About ISD Oneonta: 

About ISD Oneonta

Our Mission:

We are a Metaphysical Church that honors and celebrates each soul. Our community provides an unconditionally loving and healing environment that affirms and encourages all seekers on their spiritual journey.

Our Vision:

We believe that all great religions and philosophies contain within them the spark of truth and wisdom that can inspire within us a more complete understanding of our place in the universe. Aided by this belief, we seek to provide a supportive environment through Sunday services, spiritual healing, fellowship and education.

About the Institute: 

From Founding Minister, Rev. James DeBiasio:

The Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to the service of your growing awareness, and to fostering an environment in which each individual may be stimulated to pursue his or her own true spiritual unfoldment uninhibited by dogmatic concerns. To arouse a process of joyous living, creative genius, cooperation, health, prosperity, and universal service is to arouse the spiritual heart of the organization.

Believing that the search for your truth embodies a personal examination of all philosophies and religions, the Institute Experience seeks to provide the focal point for that search and a nurturing environment in which the evolution of your spiritual progression may be realized.

Offering a wide variety of growth experiences, the Institute and its well trained professional staff provide the fulcrum where each may endeavor to explore and express the Truth as he or she understands it. The on-going and comprehensive series of study and development experiences in esoteric, metaphysical, healing and personal growth are augmented by the spiritual fellowship, guidance and shared experiences which are available.

Needing only an openness to Truth, the seeker is then encouraged to pursue the expansion of awareness of his or her inner-self through service, and to unfold in the arms of love the potential for perfection that lies awaiting within.

A Church and center for Metaphysical Living – the Institute seeks to provide a common ground in which souls passionate to grow may resolve the differences of mind and experience which appear to separate us. To grow by sharing, in joy as well as in pain. A shelter to nurture the best that is within us, a proving ground of our resolve, a place of peace, and hope, and light, and comfort, of work, of rest, of spiritual growth, of enlightenment.

Thus with love do we greet you, and with hope do we grow with you...not by the efforts of one or a few, but by the energy of all.

Reverend James E. De Biasio,
Spiritual Advisor.


Membership is open to all who aspire to the path of Self Realization and wish to share their spiritual progress with the company of supportive and like-minded individuals. Please discuss your interest in becoming a part of our vital spiritual community with one of the ministers. 
Apply to Become a Member of ISD

Board Member Spotlight:

  • Kimberly Winsor

    Kimberly Winsor, President
    Kimberly Winsor is a Registered Polarity Therapist and Licensed Massage Therapist. She is an experienced bodyworker and herbalist of 22 years. After graduating from the NM Academy of Healing Arts in 2002 with a Dual Certification in Massage and Polarity Therapies, training in Chinese and Ayurvedic Nutrition and movement therapies she has enjoyed maintaining a private practice embracing people, animals and the environment. The offering of this material is the culmination of over a decade studying with Jerry Becker of Healing Touch Wisconsin, 2 decades of managing her own boundaries while mindfully touching bodies, a decade working with Marcus Daniels and his Authentic Feeling and the Healing Process workshops, and a prayerful collaboration with higher teachers and guides.

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  • JoAnn Wormuth

    Jo Ann Wormuth, Vice President & Director of the Healing Program
    Jo Ann experienced a dream visitation by Archangel Gabriel while recovering from a life-threatening illness in 2014. She came to understand that this visitation was her calling by God to use her gifts as a “Lightworker” to help humanity on Earth. JoAnn began a path to become an Energy Healer by completing Eden Energy Medicine Foundations. She is now a Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor. She is also the Healing Director with the Oneonta Chapter of the Institute for Spiritual Development. In all her practices and teachings, she strives to impart that true health is a balance of physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

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  • Tom Landon and Poppy

    Tom Landon, Secretary
    Hi, my name is Tom Landon. Sue Landon, my dear wife and co-founder of ISD Oneonta with her sister, Diana Friedell, transitioned peacefully in November 2021. My residence is the official headquarters of ISD Oneonta, used for Sunday services, readings, classes, and workshops. I am chairperson of the Properties Committee, secretary for the Board of Directors, and a sanctioned ISD healer. I am retired and keep quite busy with my Certified Therapy Dog, Poppy, visiting six facilities every two weeks in Oneonta and nearby counties. My great passion is singing barbershop harmony with the Southern Tier Barbershop Chorus in Binghamton. Oh, and I also love gardening, kayaking, yoga, Qigong, and calligraphy.

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  • Connie Lull

    Connie Lull, Trustee
    Connie is a lifelong Dairy and Crop farmer who has studied spirituality for 27 years.
    She has a particular affinity with the natural world.
    She has been on two pilgrimages to South America and many to Arkansas with Earth-Keeper.
    Planetary Healing is a significant focus for Connie.
    Connie currently writes a weekly column for ISD on Astrology and related subjects.
    Certifications include: ISD certified intuitive reader, A.R.E. life reading training  &  Training as a Card Reader

    Studies with: "Seth" materials, Earth-Keeper, Kryon, Nina Brown, Ronna Herman, Stargate with Prageet Harris.

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  • Story Ducey

    Rev. Story Lucile Ducey, Ex-Officio, Co-Director Faculty, Adult Education
    Classically trained Psychic Medium and long time teacher of interdisciplinary courses in Comparative Religion, Esoteric Judiasm & Christianity and ‘The Art & Science of Intuitive Development for Seers and Scientists.’ She lectures on the teachings of Edgar Cayce and Alice Bailey. Story has an Intuitive Counseling Practice and teaches in both Otsego County and the Metropolitan area. Story is a former faculty and board member of the Metaphysical Center of New Jersey; a Graduate of Columbia University and The New Seminary. Her teachers include Jean Munzer, Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, and  Rev. Janet Nohaveck. She has worked as a Pastoral Counselor and Officiant in Christian and Interfaith ministry for 25 years.

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  • Sherry Barton

    Sherry Barton, Trustee
    Sherry Barton is a retired Mental Health Clinician. She graduated from Boston University Overseas earning a Master's in Clinical Counseling. She was very passionate and devoted her career to working for veterans and Army active duty and their families. Her goal was helping people move forward from trauma and focused on creating the life each person envisioned. She is an ISD sanctioned reader and healer after completing the Intuitive Practitioner Program and Healers Certificate Program. She is a certified Master Reiki Practitioner and Intermediate Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner. She describes herself as a spiritual conduit with her Higher Power/Creator and Guide Team working through and with her as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. She serves as Trustee on the ISD Board. She also completed the Veterans administration Facilitators and Leadership Management training.

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  • Reverend Diana Friedell, Ex-Officio, Pastor, Co-Director Faculty
    Diana is the owner of the 20 year old Oneonta based Spiritual Counseling Business, “Tuning In – Tuning Up”, where she offers private confidential Psychic Intuitive Readings, and she teaches classes in Meditation, and Intuitive Development. Diana, also known in the area as a Theater Director and actress, is a graduate of & was ordained through “Fellowships of the Spirit”, a two year school in Lily Dale, NY. Diana graduated from SUNY Oneonta with an Education Degree, and taught at the Elementary School and College Level and served as Director of Religious Education at UUSO for 6 years. Diana was sanctioned into the ministry at the Institute for Spiritual Development in W.D.C. with the plan to work with her sister Sue Landon on the start up of this new chapter.

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  • Susan Owens, Trustee
    Susan grew up with a fascination with the metaphysical world, and has often been told by mediums that one day she would be doing this work.  Susan developed her gifts with Diana Friedell over the years, and took many workshops at Lily Dale, the spiritualist center.  Now she is a graduate of ISD’s Intuitive Practitioner program.  Susan has a strong desire to connect people with their dearly departed loved ones on the other side, and to provide comfort by delivering messages from them.

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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