Category: News

ISD Newsletter, 11/28/24

We would love extra hands helping us with the move into our new space! We also are still in need of living room type furniture for our lounge, a microwave, and kitchen cabinets. If you can help out in any way, please drop your contact info in the spaces provided here, or reach out directly to Kimberly Winsor .

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ISD Newsletter 10/31/24

Please join me in congratulating Karin Murphy, Sherry Barton, and Melissa Stagnaro as they achieved Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Advanced Level. IET Advanced focuses on “living your soul’s mission”. At this level, students are empowered to discover their soul’s mission and to help others in this process.

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Meet the New Lotus Center:

ISD Oneonta is excited to introduce 297 River St as our new home! Its a Go!

We held a special convention on October 6th, with Kimberly Winsor, Board President presiding, and 15 members in attendance. After much discussion, and excited sharing of ideas on how to use the space, the vote was unanimous in approval of our plan to rent the new space.

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ISD Newsletter 08/02/24

Recent Messages from our Oracle Circles: From Story Ducey: Find the Beauty of the Moment, The Gems of Each Day.
From Amanda Hoover: When we are in our high hearts, we can filter out the lower energies like fear, worry, anxiety that we experience in these changing times. As the "group mind" evolves, we have the abilities to affect our own experiences and conditions, but its up to us to activate them. Use an image to bat away any negativity, like a watering can or dragon's breath.
From Carol Callahan: "All good is mirrored and magnified" From Renee Ranke: "Peace is nearer than we realize"

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ISD Newsletter 05/16/24

The Hawthorn tree is thought to be associated with the Faerie realm and may be included in your thoughts if not physically available.

The cross quarter points emphasize the 8, smoothly flowing from one transition to another in the shape of the infinity loop. The 8 also invokes, “as above, so below.” All is ultimately connected. The year is an 8 year, adding more power than usual to these concepts.

The month of May looks very positive with many ways to express more of our soul attributes, bringing us closer to heaven on Earth. It allows opportunities to build on the incites gained during the recent eclipse season. This is not to say that unrest and conflict do not exist, but that as more of us find, and live, a sacred balance within our own lives, we will see it reflected in our outer world.

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ISD Newsletter 04/21/24

Thanks to all who attended our Mad Hatter's Tea Party on March 26th. Kimberly Winsor led us in a technique for reading Tea Leaves. Thanks Sherry Barton for sharing your hat collection with us and to all for the delectable tea party snacks! We had many laughs and got some intriguing readings for each other! Pictured Lto R: Sherry Barton, Kimberly Winsor, Sali Dellysse, Susan Owens, Marian Burke, Elke Saal, Diana Friedell. Seated Karin Murphy, Tom Landon, and Poppy.

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ISD Newsletter 03/31/24

Remember! April 7 is our
Annual Convention! zoom or on person please join us! We share with our entire membership where we have been over the past year, where we want to go next year and how we propose to get there! You get to help us define ourselves.

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ISD Newsletter 02/29/24

MERCURY is very happy in Aries. Keen intellect finds youthful fire. It is a potent combination that bodes well for new creation. Perhaps you've had a dream rattling around in the attic waiting for just the right boost to help it flower. MERCURY will be in Pisces when both the Lunar Eclipse on 3/25, and the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse on 4/08 come around. Think of the possibilities. This transit is particularly long since the year's first Mercury retrograde happens while it is in Pisces.

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ISD Newsletter 01/04/24

Next up in a month full of delights is the NEW MOON in Capricorn on 1/11. The Grand Trine that is active is now joined with the qualities of any New Moon; new beginnings, new dreams, old dreams becoming more tangible, etc. This has another powerful partner. There is a huge STELLIUM of planets/asteroids in Capricorn this entire week. It begins with the familiar planets; Sun, Moon, Mars, and Pluto. Added to this are asteroids; Psyche, Pholus, and Cupido. MERCURY is directly conjunct the Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius on this day, bringing the most uplifting messages from Deep Space.

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Free Intro to ISD Healing Certification Program 2023/2024. 08/17/23 on Zoom  5:30 PM to 7:00 PM

Feeling a call to expand and develop your energy healing abilities? ZOOM in and find out what's required for the ISD Healing Certification Program 2023-24. In this last class of our North Star Summer Series, you have an opportunity to  Meet the faculty, look over the course offerings and the schedule and find out if […]

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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