Category: Teachers

Jaya Buckland

Jaya Buckland has been studying and practicing Yogic and Zen philosophy for over 25 years. Her passion is to help people set a base of understanding to assist them as they explore and embrace their own path. Her intention is to help people make these studies a way of life.

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Amanda Hoover

Amanda has been a spiritual seeker and student of metaphysics from a young age. She is the Founder of Net of Love LLC, through which she provides healing services, sacred soul sessions to groups and individuals, meditation circles, retreats and classes. She is a Certified Life Coach, Ascension Guide, Shaman, Geomancer and Reiki Master Practitioner. She has received extensive training through Ancient Egyptian and Celtic ascension lines.

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Dale Capristo

Dale Capristo has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and worked for over thirty years in Student Development at SUNY Oneonta where she designed workshops and courses.
Currently Dale is initiating a coaching practice, Luminosity of You, focusing on empowering women. In addition Dale is an energy practitioner focusing on Reiki Sessions and Magdalena Energy sessions. She is passionate about leading others to their true self and living the life of their desires.

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Renee Ranke

Psychic medium, channel, and spiritual healer.
Renee is an ordained metaphysical minister and sanctioned healer with the Institute for Spiritual Development.
In her ongoing search for metaphysical knowledge, Renee has studied with various teachers through Lily Dale, NY, Omega Institute, and Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment.

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Sherry Barton

Aretired Mental Health Clinician, holds a Master's in Clinical Counseling from Boston University Overseas. Throughout her career, Sherry demonstrated unwavering dedication and passion by serving veterans, active-duty military personnel, and their families. Her primary mission was to aid individuals in overcoming trauma and empowering them to realize their envisioned lives.

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Connie Lull

Connie is a lifelong Dairy and Crop farmer who has studied spirituality for 27 years.
She has a particular affinity with the natural world.

She has been on two pilgrimages to South America and many to Arkansas with Earth-Keeper.
Planetary Healing is a significant focus for Connie.

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JoAnn Wormuth

Jo Ann experienced a dream visitation by Archangel Gabriel while recovering from a life-threatening illness in 2014. She came to understand that this visitation was her calling by God to use her gifts as a “Lightworker” to help humanity on Earth.

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Kimberly Winsor

Kimberly Winsor is a Registered Polarity Therapist, a Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Herbalist of over 22 years. After graduating from the NM Academy of Healing Arts in 2002 she has expanded her work to include Geomancy, Past-Life Clearing, Human Bio-field Tuning and Co-Creative Alchemy. She is dedicated to helping herself and all those that work with her to achieving mindful and efficient paths to health and wellbeing on all levels, in the ways that work best for them. She enjoys a private practice embracing people, animals and the environment.

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Diana Friedell

Diana Friedell, Metaphysician, Minister, Teacher, Actress, and Director, received her advanced training in the Spiritualist tradition. She has been doing readings & healings for twenty-two years. Diana is a 2004 graduate of the School for Healing and Prophecy through Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale, NY, and a graduate of SUNY Oneonta, where she studied teaching and theatre.

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Story Lucile Ducey

Classically trained Psychic Medium and long time teacher of interdisciplinary courses in Comparative Religion, Esoteric Judiasm & Christianity and ‘The Art & Science of Intuitive Development for Seers and Scientists.’
She lectures on the teachings of Edgar Cayce and Alice Bailey.

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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