Advanced IET with JoAnn Wormuth

Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy with JoAnn Wormuth

October 26, 2024 at 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Spiral Binder


The Lotus Center
297 River St Service Road
Suite 3
Oneonta, NY 13820
Spiral Binder

Approx Length:

7 hours

Event Type:

Healing Classes Category: Healing Classes

Main Host:

JoAnn Wormuth

Advanced Level IET Training Class, with JoAnn Wormuth, Director of Healing, IET Instructor, Reiki Master Teacher

The energy of the Advanced Level angelic energy ray is very different than the energies practitioners were attuned to in the Basic and Intermediate Levels. Instruction at this level focuses on “living your soul’s mission,” whereas the Basic and Intermediate Levels focus primarily on “getting the issues out of your tissues.”

Skills learned at the Advanced Level work with the genetic soul profile (4th DNA Pair) and the soul cluster (5th DNA Pair). At this level, students are empowered to discover their soul’s mission and attract the individuals to help you live your soul’s mission.

Advanced Level IET Training will provide you with the ability to:

  1. Bring your soul’s mission to life faster with the heartwave and soulstar clearing techniques.
  2. Manifest elements of your soul’s mission with a heartnet and respectfully demanding process.
  3. Clear your resistance to living your soul’s mission using muscle tension and relaxation technique.
  4. Offer the gift of healing by creating energy heartbeams that you can anchor to the Earth to the heal the Earth and anyone who passes through it.

This level of IET training is POWERFUL! It will help you bring your dreams to life. Please plan on a very full day of instruction.

Please bring Lunch and $15 for the handbook.

$230 with a 20% discount for ISD members.

In Person at ISD Headquarters aka Tom Landon's House

Saturday, October 26th; 10 AM to 5 PM.

Meet Your Teacher:

JoAnn Wormuth

JoAnn Wormuth,  Vice President & Director of the Healing Program

Jo Ann experienced a dream visitation by Archangel Gabriel while recovering from a life-threatening illness in 2014. She came to understand that this visitation was her calling by God to use her gifts as a “Lightworker” to help humanity on Earth.. 

JoAnn began a path to become an Energy Healer by completing Eden Energy Medicine Foundations. She is now a Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor. She is also the Healing Director with the Oneonta Chapter of the Institute for Spiritual Development. In all her practices and teachings, she strives to impart that true health is a balance of physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

To contact JoAnn, please email her at

  To Visit JoAnn's Profile Page, Click Here


Advanced Level IET with JoAnn Wormuth 10-26-24 10am-5pm

Advanced IET with JoAnn Wormuth Oct 26th, 2024 10am-5pm- at Lotus Center. Registration:

Tuition: $230.00

You have selected that you are an ISD Member. You are eligible for a 20% Discount. Use Coupon Code: ISDMEMBERS20 And Click Apply Coupon.

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    Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
    The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
    Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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