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Prayer. Our spiritual “radio’'. By tuning into our own spiritual line, dialing in through our telepathic connection; we can actively use our innate spiritual superpower.
We can send and receive guidance and peace for ourselves, our loved ones, and our world/group mind.
Rev. Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director Faculty, Adult Education
Classically trained Psychic Medium and long time teacher of interdisciplinary courses in Comparative Religion, Esoteric Judiasm & Christianity and ‘The Art & Science of Intuitive Development for Seers and Scientists.’
She lectures on the teachings of Edgar Cayce and Alice Bailey.
Story has an Intuitive Counseling Practice and teaches in both Otsego County and the Metropolitan area.
Story is a former faculty and board member of the Metaphysical Center of New Jersey; a Graduate of Columbia University and The New Seminary.
Her teachers include Jean Munzer, Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, and Rev. Janet Nohaveck.
She has worked as a Pastoral Counselor and Officiant in Christian and Interfaith ministry for 25 years.
To contact Story, please email her.