“My Spidey Senses are Tingling!!” As spiritual beings how do we receive our psychic information? In what ways are we receiving messages, reading energy, and experiencing those things around us that we cannot physically hear, see, or touch?
And as human beings, how do we interact and understand those around us in the physical world? How do we begin to learn what we are receiving intuitively and what is the ‘junk’ that we have picked up from others?
This two session class, led by Rev. Renee Ranke, will help us to understand how we are reciving our telepathic messages and in what ways we can 'energize' our psychic sensitivity.
This course is open to all Seekers empowering themselves to sharpen their intuitive gifts during these challenging times. It also meets a requirement for the ISD Intuitive Practitioner Program. Rolling Admission. You do NOT need to be enrolled in the Intuitive Practitioner to sign up for this course.