Mediumship 101 with Story Ducey

Mediumship 101 w/ Story Ducey

April 6, 2024 at 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Spiral Binder


ZOOM Mtg- Get link when you register. . .
Spiral Binder

Approx Length:

5 hours

Event Type:

Evidential Mediumship, Intuitive Development ClassesIntuitive Development Classes Category: Evidential Mediumship

Main Host:

Story Ducey

An overview of the history, principles and protocols of Evidential Mediumship will be given. 

Improve your Intuitive Meditations and Readings for yourself, your loved ones, and your clients.

Learn how to identify whether the source of the Intuitive information is Psychic, from the Soul, or from a Spirit. Classic Mediumship is an intuitive protocol designed to yield specfic evidence from Spirit to clearly confirm who is communicating.

How did they pass? What era did they live in? What nationality, culture or religion were they? How did they live? Did they have a family, a career, military training? 

What primary memories do they seek to bring forth? Why are they communicating? Is there a specfic message?

Have they a teaching to share? What is their role in the person's life now?

Spirits will give you detailed information if you ask specific clear questions. Learn to develop a symbolic language spirits can use to help you more clearly understand their intention, their message.

Develop your own language of symbolic communication and sequential questioning. Spirits will then know how to help you bring forth messages with facts & evidence that your sitter can clearly recognize. Improve your skills in delivering accurate messages.

Mediumship 101 with Story Ducey-April 6th, 2024, 10 AM - 3 PM on Zoom

Mediumship 101 with Story Lucile Ducey, April 6th, 2024, 10 AM - 3 PM on Zoom. Registration.

Learn the principles of Evidential Mediumship for yourself, your loved ones, and your clients. Develop your own language of symbolic communication and sequential questioning. Spirits will then know how to help you bring forth messages with facts & evidence that your sitter can clearly recognize. Improve your skills in delivering accurate messages.

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    Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
    The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
    Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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