Proof and Practices of Prayer with Diana Friedell and JoAnn Wormuth

POSTPONED! Proof and Practices of Prayer with Diana Friedell and JoAnn Wormuth

November 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Spiral Binder


ZOOM Mtg- Get link when you register. . .
Spiral Binder

Approx Length:

2 hours

Event Type:

Healing Classes Category: Healing Classes

Main Host:

Diana Friedell

Approaching the chaos in the world with Prayer. . .

Last Resort or Best Resort?

Do prayers work? How can simply speaking your requests affect change? Diana Friedell, Minister and Psychic Medium, along with JoAnn Wormuth, the Healing Program Director, present Scientific proof from Larry Dossey & other current researchers on the efficacy of prayer, chanting, and forgiveness.  We will explore many diverse ways to pray through religious disciplines and current mystical teachers and share powerful prayers & techniques you may like to add to your own practice.

Meet Your Teacher:

Diana Friedell

Diana Friedell, Co-Director Faculty, Adult Education

Diana Friedell, Metaphysician, Minister, Teacher, Actress, and Director, received her advanced training in the Spiritualist tradition.  She has been doing readings & healings for 24 years.. Diana is a 2004 graduate of the School for Healing and Prophecy through Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale, NY, and a graduate of SUNY Oneonta, where she studied teaching and theatre.  Diana was sanctioned as a Minister through Institute for Spiritual Development, where she currently serves as Faculty, Pastor and Co-Director. Diana was called to this work as a result of her search for spiritual meaning after her youngest son passed away unexpectedly in 1994.  Diana is available for private psychic readings, parties, phone/ZOOM readings and intuitive development classes.

Meet Your Teacher:

JoAnn Wormuth

JoAnn Wormuth,  Vice President & Director of the Healing Program

Jo Ann experienced a dream visitation by Archangel Gabriel while recovering from a life-threatening illness in 2014. She came to understand that this visitation was her calling by God to use her gifts as a “Lightworker” to help humanity on Earth.. 

JoAnn began a path to become an Energy Healer by completing Eden Energy Medicine Foundations. She is now a Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor. She is also the Healing Director with the Oneonta Chapter of the Institute for Spiritual Development. In all her practices and teachings, she strives to impart that true health is a balance of physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

To contact JoAnn, please email her at

  To Visit JoAnn's Profile Page, Click Here


Proof and Practices of Prayer with Diana and JoAnn 11-14-24 at 5:30pm ET

Proof & Practices of Prayer with Diana Friedell and JoAnn Wormuth, Nov 14th, 2024 5:30pm-7:00pm ET On Zoom- Registration

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    Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
    The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
    Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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