Expand your healing abilities with sacred geometry and a Level 2 attunement. JoAnn, Reiki Master Teacher, introduces 2nd-Degree Reiki symbols that increase healing power, assist with mental-emotional balance, and distance healing. Practice sessions, manual & certificate included.
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
Level 2 Training
$170.00 or $150 for ISD Members
Includes Manual, Certificate, Catered Lunch and Beverage
with Q&A/practice 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Individuals who already possess Reiki attunements sometimes wish to refresh their practice. I whole heartedly welcome their participation and believe there should be a price incentive to do so.
Reiki Level Two Refresher Class (Take it Again) for $85.
Looking for Level 1 Reiki? Click HERE
Jo Ann experienced a dream visitation by Archangel Gabriel while recovering from a life-threatening illness in 2014. She came to understand that this visitation was her calling by God to use her gifts as a “Lightworker” to help humanity on Earth..
JoAnn began a path to become an Energy Healer by completing Eden Energy Medicine Foundations. She is now a Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor. She is also the Healing Director with the Oneonta Chapter of the Institute for Spiritual Development. In all her practices and teachings, she strives to impart that true health is a balance of physical, mental and spiritual bodies.
To contact JoAnn, please email her at joannwormuth@gmail.com
To Visit JoAnn's Profile Page, Click Here