Reiki 2 with JoAnn Wormuth

Reiki Level 2, with JoAnn Wormuth, 08/10/24 10am-5pm

August 10, 2024 at 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Spiral Binder


The Lotus Center
297 River St Service Road
Suite 3
Oneonta, NY 13820
Spiral Binder

Approx Length:

7 hours

Event Type:

Healing Classes Category: Healing Classes

Main Host:

JoAnn Wormuth

Reiki Level Two- Energy Healing Training with JoAnn Wormuth 08/10/24

Expand your healing abilities with sacred geometry and a Level 2 attunement.  JoAnn, Reiki Master Teacher, introduces 2nd-Degree Reiki symbols that increase healing power, assist with mental-emotional balance, and distance healing. Practice sessions, manual & certificate included.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki

Level 2 Training

$170.00 or $150 for ISD Members

Includes Manual, Certificate, Catered Lunch and Beverage

with Q&A/practice 4:00pm – 5:00pm

  • Prerequisite: Reiki Level One Certification.
  • Reiki is universal life force energy.  This Japanese technique is used for stress reduction, relaxation and balance.  If one's chi is low or blocked, then we are more likely to become ill or feel stress.  When chi is high, we are better able to be healthy and happy in mind, body and spirit.
  • Reiki clears and balances the life force energy allowing for the body to best care for itself.   It is an essential tool for those caring for themselves and loved ones.  Reiki complements other treatments.
  • In Reiki Level 2 participants will expand their healing abilities with the introduction of sacred geometry. Second-degree symbols will be introduced to increase healing power, assist with mental emotional balance, and distance healing. Instruction includes guidance on providing Reiki healing treatments to others. Students will have the opportunity to practice their new symbol knowledge by providing healing sessions to fellow participants and sending healing.
  • Reiki Level 2 attunements will be provided.
  • Reiki Level 2 manual will be included, as well as a Certificate of Completion.
  • You will be able to practice and ask questions.  As your Reiki teacher, JoAnn will be available for ongoing support. 


Individuals who already possess Reiki attunements sometimes wish to refresh their practice. I whole heartedly welcome their participation and believe there should be a price incentive to do so.

Reiki Level Two Refresher Class (Take it Again) for $85.

Looking for Level 1 Reiki? Click HERE

Reiki Level 2 with JoAnn Wormuth 08-10-24

Reiki Level 2, Saturday, August 10th- 10am-5pm Registration.

Expand your healing abilities with sacred geometry and a Level 2 attunement.  JoAnn, Reiki Master Teacher, introduces 2nd-Degree Reiki symbols that increase healing power, assist with mental-emotional balance, and distance healing. Practice sessions, manual & certificate included.

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Meet Your Teacher:

JoAnn Wormuth

JoAnn Wormuth,  Vice President & Director of the Healing Program

Jo Ann experienced a dream visitation by Archangel Gabriel while recovering from a life-threatening illness in 2014. She came to understand that this visitation was her calling by God to use her gifts as a “Lightworker” to help humanity on Earth.. 

JoAnn began a path to become an Energy Healer by completing Eden Energy Medicine Foundations. She is now a Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor. She is also the Healing Director with the Oneonta Chapter of the Institute for Spiritual Development. In all her practices and teachings, she strives to impart that true health is a balance of physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

To contact JoAnn, please email her at

  To Visit JoAnn's Profile Page, Click Here


    Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
    The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
    Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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