ISD News & Announcements

September 26, 2024
ISD Newsletter 09/26/24

Wisdom for this week reminds us that laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. It breaks up stagnant energy and helps us relax, and who doesn't need that nowadays!?

September 13, 2024
ISD Newsletter 09/13/24

ISD Summer Picnic, Potluck and Play
On 8-17-24 Karla Sikora did a very magical sound healing experience during our spiritual service. (Photographer-Karin Murphy)

We had a smorgasbord of a potluck lunch and several people led songs, played guitar and jumped in on a healing drum circle
The rhythm of life is a beautiful thing!
(Drum Circle photo by Ally Sutton-Pyle)

August 16, 2024
ISD Newsletter 08/16/24

Messages received from our Oracle Group Sessions. . .

This is the time we have been impatiently waiting for. The human race is evolving. We have grown out of old clay molds of what defines us and are breaking free. There are huge waves of change right now, one right after another- it’s no wonder you can’t breathe, don’t let it drown you. It’s never too late to heal. We have no idea how much help and light that we are co-creating together and how powerful we are. BE not afraid. Be not tearful .

August 2, 2024
ISD Newsletter 08/02/24

Recent Messages from our Oracle Circles: From Story Ducey: Find the Beauty of the Moment, The Gems of Each Day.
From Amanda Hoover: When we are in our high hearts, we can filter out the lower energies like fear, worry, anxiety that we experience in these changing times. As the "group mind" evolves, we have the abilities to affect our own experiences and conditions, but its up to us to activate them. Use an image to bat away any negativity, like a watering can or dragon's breath.
From Carol Callahan: "All good is mirrored and magnified" From Renee Ranke: "Peace is nearer than we realize"

July 21, 2024
ISD Newsletter 07/21/24

Mystical Reflections Spirit Fest! The fall is a natural time for new beginnings, for “going back to school”, for stepping into new routines that get you on track to fulfilling goals and intentions. Is there a Spirit Guide or departed loved one waiting to give me important life guidance?
WHEN: Saturday, September 7th, 2024
WHERE: Southside Mall Community Room, Oneonta, NY
A nice time to check in with a psychic advisor, Tried & True, the Real Deal, from the Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta.

July 2, 2024
ISD Newsletter 07/02/24

*SATURDAY* August 17th, 10:00 am Spiritual Service, followed by an ISD SUMMER PICNIC!!!
ISD Members & Friends invited~ hiking, potluck meal, drumming & chanting, plus free healings & readings share =)
at SUNY College Camp!

June 13, 2024
ISD Newsletter 06/13/24

The planets are starting to spread out now. This changes the dynamics. We will have ongoing opportunities to apply the wisdom received and remembered to broader areas of life.

Not only were we under the influence of the concentrated bucket arrangement, but we had an Eclipse season with a Total Solar Eclipse in April. We have had extraordinary Aurora Borealis, a parade of planets, and high solar flare activities as well. SPRING WAS INTENSE THIS YEAR! I sincerely hope that it was a season of breakthrough and wisdom for you.

June 1, 2024
ISD Newsletter 06/01/24

This year has an added benefit of a stellium in Gemini consisting of the SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER, and the MOON joining the mix for a few days on June 5-7th. A 4 and a 5 way stellium is significant in any case. This one contains 2 personal planets, Mercury and Venus, and the two luckiest planets, Venus and Jupiter. Your potential for growth and even a breakthrough is enhanced. Communication is favored, meaning negotiations may find more success at this time.

May 16, 2024
ISD Newsletter 05/16/24

The Hawthorn tree is thought to be associated with the Faerie realm and may be included in your thoughts if not physically available.

The cross quarter points emphasize the 8, smoothly flowing from one transition to another in the shape of the infinity loop. The 8 also invokes, “as above, so below.” All is ultimately connected. The year is an 8 year, adding more power than usual to these concepts.

The month of May looks very positive with many ways to express more of our soul attributes, bringing us closer to heaven on Earth. It allows opportunities to build on the incites gained during the recent eclipse season. This is not to say that unrest and conflict do not exist, but that as more of us find, and live, a sacred balance within our own lives, we will see it reflected in our outer world.

May 2, 2024
ISD Newsletter 05/02/24

Above: Ted Silverhand posing with our ISD Administrator and Website developer, Tami Barrows- Tami wore many hats, as she also is responsible for these beautiful pics, andn helped her son Eden with his Vending Table- "YorkiDoodles", organic dog treats and scarves.

A magical weekend was had by all at the 18th annual SHIFT New York Holistic & Psychic Fair last weekend, April 27th and 28th! By all accounting it was a huge success!

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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