ISD Healing Certification Program:
Course Overview

ISD Healing Certification Program Overview

ISD’s Healing Certification Program has helped me find my true purpose in life. I was initially drawn to the program out of a desire to learn more about a topic that fascinated and intrigued me, never truly picturing myself doing energy work outside of my immediate friends and family. But as I progressed through the program, the topics we studied and modalities we explored resonated with me on a deeper level than I ever imagined. Today, I’m Reiki Master and Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner with a professional practice and growing client base. I love working in these modalities, and am continuing to explore and learn new ways of serving others through intuitive energy work. I never would have started down this path if not for JoAnn’s guidance and mentorship. I’m so grateful to her and this program for opening up this new world for me.

-Melissa Stagnaro, Intuitive Energy Healer

We're Gearing up for the 2025 Healing Cert Program Please Check Back For Updates

Upcoming Healing Classes and Circles

Students who successfully complete the Healing Certification Program will complete 50 practice readings, and ask for feedback from their clients (or sitters) at the end of each reading session. Please have your client fill out the form linked below and press “submit”.

 > Click Here to Fill Out a Client Feedback Form for Student Reading

Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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