ISD Metaphysical Ministry Program

ISD Ministry Program
Ministry at ISD

A Program of Service

Those who are called to service know who you are. 

An ordained minister at the Institute knows him or herself to e destined to serve the metaphysical and spiritual needs of others.

As a minister of the Institute, you are expected to see yourself as one whose hand is extended to your fellow human beings, a way-shower.
This is not a program that develops stars.  It is a program that develops spiritual connection through service.  We move from simple understanding of the laws of metaphysics to being a demonstration, an initiate on the way to mastery.

The Ministry at the Institute is a deeply-rooted brother and sisterhood of spirit, a connection of souls who are meant to be together in their spiritual journey. We are the ones who find our own pathway by helping others to find theirs.

Institute for Spiritual Development, Ministerial Program Class Requirements

Note: College level public speaking, psychology, and English composition are also required.


Summary Version, Please See Brochure for  Full Descriptions.
ISD Ministry Program

PHASE 1:  The Order of Cleric

  1. You are on a Journey (home study & zoom discussion)
  2. Fundamentals and Principles of Metaphysics
  3. The Process of Self-Awakening
  4. The Laws of the Universe (The Kybalion)
  5. Platform Preparation** or Ceremonial Leadership
  6. One elective

PHASE II:  The Order of Missionary

  1. Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible
  2. Homiletics**
  3. The Esoteric Nature of Humanity (The Chakras)
  4. Survey of the Esoteric Sciences
  5. One Elective

PHASE III:  The Order of Deacon

  1. The Faith by Which We Live
  2. Comparative Religion (Story)
  3. History of the Christian Era (Mirage of the Ages)
  4. Apologetics/ A History of the Modern Spiritual Movement (Home Study)
  5. Contemporary Metaphysical Thought
  6. One Elective

PHASE IV:  The Order of Minister 

  1. Prayer and Meditation
  2. Ethics
  3. The Art of Counseling
  4. Preparation for the Ministry (special services)
  5. Church Management
  6. One Elective

* Home Study:  These classes can be done at home and followed by a instructor-led group discussion and open book test.  Sometimes they are given as a regular class.

** Homiletics and Platform Prep should be taken as often as available even after ordination.

Note:  Electives are intended to represent a wide array of metaphysical studies, not repeated mediumship or psychic development courses or circles.    Revision:  April 2017

APPLY ONLINEAPPLY Through mail / email
ISD Ordination Students 2021

Three students were ordained on September 19th, 2021 at our ISD Headquarters via ZOOM by Rev. Jim DeBiasio, Founding Pastor of ISD National.
Rev. Amanda Hoover, Rev. Renee Ranke, Rev. Maggie Kilbride completed a rigorous course of study, and helped to lead us through the many twists and turns of the Pandemic. Each of them have provided many intriguing homilies and unique prayers, taught classes, and led development circles that helped to keep us inspired and engaged with a sense of community during a very dark time.  They have been exemplary leaders since they began the program. Kudos to Rev. Story Ducey, pictured on right, and Rev. Diana Friedell who picked up the mantle from Rev. Sue and helped to lead these amazing strong leaders to the finish line.  

Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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