August 16th, 2024

ISD Oneonta News

Hi Friends!

We have planned special  events, classes & intuitively received messages for spiritual enrichment.  May you find your corner of the sky with us!

Special Saturday Spiritual Service 8-17-2024

WHEN: SATURDAY, August 17th, 10am

NOTE!! There is no Service on SUNDAY


WHERE: SUNY Oneonta College Camp

                 119 Hoffman Road
                 Oneonta, NY 13820


The Institute for Spiritual Development of Oneonta will hold an outdoor spiritual service on Saturday, August 17th, emceed by Rev. Diana Friedell at the SUNY Oneonta College Camp, rain or shine, in the great outdoors~  followed by a potluck picnic and psychic fun! JoAnn Wormuth will present the talk: “True Belonging”- True belonging is *something* we all seek. It is a need to be part of something... Along with that, we need it to be real.  Come be a part of our Something!!! The Oneonta Kirtan group will lead some interactive Hindu chants, and there will be a meditative sound healing with crystal bowls by Karla Sikora.  A Summer Picnic follows the Service at 12pm. There will be a drumming circle (bring yours! ISD does have extras) and then flow into free spiritual and healing shares, and free psychic readings between 12 and 2 pm. All are welcome to attend. Sign up at button below & bring a dish to pass.


ISD Sacred Counsel Corner:

We want you to take heart and have faith that good is coming from all this mess!! Positive change is happening. As the ebb of evolution and progression swings back, just know and understand that the undercurrent of much of this turmoil is A PURIFICATION OF THE MALE ENERGIES AND CONSCIOUSNESS on this planet. True, it is not done, but there IS a divine order and natural balance to what is happening... we're just in the cookpot with everyone beside us, so it's hard to appreciate!

~ISD Sacred Counsel is a loving group of spiritual beings dedicated to our ISD Group~

 Messages received from our Oracle Group Sessions. . .

This is the time we have been impatiently waiting for. The human race is evolving. We have grown out of old clay molds of what defines us and  are breaking free.  There are huge waves of change right now, one right after another- it’s no wonder you can’t breathe, don’t let it drown you.  It’s never too late to heal.  We have no idea how much help and light that we are co-creating together and how powerful we are.  BE not afraid.  Be not tearful . Be not fearful. Throw off "crazy".  Throw off "ancient sins".   Move through with joy and courage and confidence; Refusing to take on the darkness, we are spiritual warriors of the light,  Feel the Angelic realm helping us.  As the human race moves upward, there is help.  Reach out your hand, receive a hand.  In meditation we make that effort.  We say here I am, to be lifted up.

-from our "seers" in Monday August 12th group- Story Lucile Ducey, Sali Dellysse, Diana Friedell, Connie Lull, Carol Callahan,




Join Diana Friedell Thurs., August 22nd for the last sessions of the Series- Summer Intuitive Development Circle for Life Guidance!


Looking for answers on important life decisions? Diana Friedell, an Intuitive Development Teacher and popular Psychic Medium for the past 23 years will lead us in different practices and exercises to allow our own intuitive abilities to unfold and continue to develop in a like-minded group. Open to anyone, at all levels of development. Whether you are honing your skills, and practicing to meet a requirement for the Intuitive Practitioner Program, or want to read for others professionally, or just to read for your family and friends, you are in the right place.

Our Spirit Guides are waiting to help us on life path decisions that we are facing, that may involve Career, Relationship, Home, Finances or Family, and are committed to our success. Develop your clairvoyant abilities to see, hear and feel the answers and the guidance you are searching for. Regular practice within this friendly group gives us confidence and accuracy in interpreting the messages that come to us.

$18 Per Session, $15 ISD Member Rate.  Register for One at a time, or Register for them All


Thursday New Earth Series-

8-29 thru 9-19, 5:30pm-7pm

With Amanda Hoover

$33 PER CLASS or REGISTER for all 4 in advance for $20 off

Additional 20% off for ISD Members!

This series, with Amanda Hoover, a Certified Life Coach, Ascension Guide, Shaman, Geomancer and Reiki Master Practitioner introduces us to the mystical experiences in ancient temples. The ancient temples and sites around the world were built with such precision that the harmonics can create altered states of consciousness. Mystical experiences, a feeling of interconnectedness with all, receiving divine guidance and heart openings are often associated with these sites. As we resonate (come into harmony with) with higher octaves/frequencies our human temple consciousness expands to a greater awareness of unity with our reality and divine love birthright bliss. Throughout this new earth series we will harmonize through vibrational acoustics flowing from Amanda’s temple to commune with multidimensional aspects of ourselves for transformation, healing, lightheartedness and divine love guidance.

Mystical Reflections Spirit Fest

WHEN: Saturday, September 7th, 2024

WHERE: Southside Mall Community Room, Oneonta, NY

The fall is a natural time for new beginnings, for “going back to school”, for stepping into new routines that get you on track to fulfilling goals and intentions. Is there a Spirit Guide or departed loved one waiting to give me important life guidance?  Also experience revitalization and atunement with an energy healing session, with an ISD sanctioned healer.

A nice time to check in with a psychic advisor, Tried & True, the Real Deal, from the Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta.

Only $30 for 25 minutes, or $25 for ISD Members.

This is a FUNDRAISER for ISD Oneonta!

~~ Enjoy a day out, shopping & lunch at the Southside Mall, then stop by for your reading!

READERS are Diana Friedell, Connie Lull, Renee Ranke, Story Ducey, Kimberly Winsor; HEALER - Sherry Barton.

Click on the button below for more info, to learn about our readers/healers, or to book your personal/private session to reserve your spot.  Spots going fast!  Reserve now. . .



FREE Dream Circle


Starting September 12th on Thursdays

10:00 am- 11:30am


Come learn to step through the gates of your dreams to bring guidance from your dreams to everyday life, gain insight into problems and situations, understand your past, peer into the future, visit with departed ones and get in touch with your deepest desires You have a much greater story within you. Come and be guided to joy and abundance by messages from your soul.

ISD Chapters in Sparta, Oneonta, and WDC collaborate to offer this weekly Dream Circle on ZOOM, which is free to all ISD Members, from any chapter. Participation in this dream circle is limited to ISD Members. If you are interested in becoming a member- please click here.


CLICK below to read about the facilitators, and to Register. . .


Sister star Sirius,  and sister planet Venus have returned from their sojourn behind the Sun. This year's Lion's Gate, which is the alignment of Sirius, Royal star Regulus in Leo, Orion's Belt, and the Giza Pyramid in Egypt, was last week. Let us review this annual occurrence once more so that you may frame it in the energies of 2024.

All around and within us the Divine Feminine is rising. She has always been here - in the vast spaces of the void, between stars and  between our bodily cell components. They are one and the same! She has always whispered to us of the necessity for wisdom and BALANCE. Now she is going to shout, if that is what it takes to get our attention!

Each year the Lion's Gate opens a significant portal and new light, new information can stream into our 3D plane from multidimensional sources. Remember, as well, that our galaxy has now  passed into the photon belt. We are being sent brand new light and wisdom because we are passing through portions of the Cosmos that we have not traversed before. This energy is not a “one off.” It will stay with us now, endlessly circulating so that we can each use it to our greatest advantage.

How may this show up for you? Let's begin with what is now supported more in the Aquarian Age:
Balance, Cooperation, Collaboration, Flowing (non-resistance), Self-love and when filled - then altruism, etc.

Perhaps more than anything this may show up in areas of control. Each of us may be asked to recognize where we strive to “control” and be encouraged to relax. Trust and allow flow to supplement our 3D existence from sources beyond our usual perception. This is a wonderful way to ease your existence, to serve self and others.

This is not always comfortable. So if you are struggling, know that you are not alone.

 The FULL MOON is on 8/19 in Aquarius at 2:26 pm EST.

This lunation will most likely feel challenging for most of us. It features 2 T-square alignments. (A T-square is an opposition combined with a square to both of them.) Let's look at them one at a time.

The Moon in Aquarius is opposite the 3 way exact conjunction between Sun/Vesta/Mercury in Leo. Square to both opposite ends is Uranus in Taurus. Uranus will create the possibility for sudden developments; which we have had plenty of examples of recently.

The Aquarius/Leo axis of the FULL MOON can shed light on, and show any imbalances between altruism and leadership/power dynamics. That is both on the personal and the world-wide level. This will give each of us another chance to let go of energies from our life and DNA that no longer serve us. Once these imbalances are understood and learned from they may be released. 
In addition to this, Uranus square to both opposites in Taurus is likely to shed light on how the above dynamics meld with resources - both personal and those of the collective. How do we work with each other and the Earth?

Asteroid Vesta's involvement is interesting here and may be of assistance in this 5 way alignment. She lends qualities of the sacred to our lives, and may help us choose wisely. 

The 2nd T-square is between Saturn in Pisces opposite Venus in Virgo, both square to Jupiter and Mars conjunct in Gemini.

This T-square has an added challenge, that 3 of the planets are in astrological signs where they are not as comfortable - those being Saturn, Venus, and Mars. This T-square may create a swirl of energies in a chaotic mix for a few days. 

Not all the aspects are challenging on this FULL MOON day. There is a minor trine (1 trine, 2 sextiles), and another trine as well. 

The minor trine is between:
Pluto in Aquarius 
Neptune in Pisces 
Uranus in Taurus 

The trine is between the Moon and conjunct Jupiter & Mars.

The trines and sextiles will add some relief to the chaotic mix. We may find our best results by relaxing through this time as much as possible. 

This lunation will be happening in the midst of a Mercury retrograde. That is a great deal of energy that may stir things up for all of us. I think it might be wise to hold any important decisions until after these days around the FULL MOON. There will be relief coming next week.

The SUN moves into Virgo on 8/22. This year's transit through Virgo may come as a welcome settling effect. Virgo loves order and competence. This will help us mentally tabulate all the changes from the previous months.

Virgo is thorough in everything. No detail is too small, no analysis left undone. You will be assisted in sorting the components of your life. What might some of those details be? One area is DNA clearing/processing. What is yours to deal with? What belongs to the family line and may simply be released? Which situation needs immediate attention and which ones can wait?

Those are just a few examples for best using this year's  solar Virgo transit.

Consider more symbolism involving Virgo, shown as the Virgin, the innocent, and in Christianity, the Mother Mary. She is shown holding a stalk of ripe wheat. I draw your attention to the grain.

When you examine the ripened heads of many of the long season grains they have something in common. The individual kernels are arranged in a lovely braid, or weave,  formation. Braiding and weaving add tremendous strength to each individual strand. Many spiritual belief systems think of the connecting energetic bonds as a weave between non physical, heavenly energy and the physical world. Human culture has incorporated many variations of braiding and weaving in our textiles, art forms, and in many practical products we create. Nature has also created the same designs among the plant kingdom.

This is a visual example of the concept of entrainment. These energetic bonds connect everything - the All in the All. I suggest that the Virgo season that straddles the productivity of Summer and the beginning of the Autumn harvest season, is symbolically important to us. We are invited to choose the threads of our weave carefully. What do you wish to strengthen? What design do you choose for the weave of your matrix?

If you wish to create a new design to your thoughts and your creations, this is a wonderful time to initiate the change. May you weave a lovely design.

(August 24 - 31)

Asteroid VESTA moves into Virgo on 8/24 until 10/27. She joins the SUN for his transit through Virgo. It is a good combination. VESTA is one of the largest, brightest asteroids in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter. She signifies the sacred home/hearth fires. She shows the location of the sacred in your life. VESTA is right at home, and very powerful in Virgo. 

The constellation Virgo stretches across a vast expanse of the sky, being one of the larger constellations of the zodiac. It is visible on the western horizon this time of year.

VESTA will help the analysis and organization that Virgo encourages, between what is mundane and what is sacred. Among all the immense details of your life, what is over, complete, and best left behind? What is truly important and sacred, and should go forward with you on the journey?

There is an aspect formation in our sky on the 25th that will bring the best of the positive energies to us after the challenges of the recent Full Moon. It is a Kite Formation, one of the best, most powerful aspects that is formed as the planets travel around the solar system. A kite formation looks just as you would imagine, a kite. It contains a Grand Trine with a Minor Trine on what you can think of as the top side to create the aspect. 
Venus in Virgo (sign ruler)
Pluto in Aquarius (at 1°)
Uranus in Taurus 

This forms the Grand Trine. The Minor Trine on top is formed by:

Uranus in Taurus trine Pluto in Aquarius- both of them sextile Neptune in Pisces. 

The fact that this Kite formation involves mostly outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto would seem to indicate that it could have a great deal of benefit for the masses.  The vast beneficial effects may help us with some of the world's difficulties. Venus at the bottom of the Kite will help individuals create grace and beauty that is of a more personal nature.

CERES stations direct in early Capricorn on 8/26. She will help you understand what you most need to feel loved and nurtured. She has strong association with the mother energies, so is well suited to an Earth sign. At this time CERES might be useful in helping you look within for sustenance. More than ever we are encouraged to understand that everything we need is available within our own heart space. The mothering nature of CERES can assist, as you allow your own heart center to fully nurture you. She will be in Capricorn through 12/7.

MERCURY turns direct in Leo on 8/28, and will be in Leo through 9/9. This gives you a chance to try out any adjustments you may have implemented to your leadership skills during the retrograde interval. That could be leading others, or being the “captain of your own soul,” as Nelson Mandela said. How you express the Leo power and leadership traits is important. MERCURY specializes in communications and mental acuity, and can help you. 

VENUS moves into Libra on 8/29 until 9/22. This is the best placement for her, as she rules Libra. The combination of Venusian beauty and grace with the justice seeking and balancing energies of Libra may initiate some wonderful developments during this transit. There are a few added benefits as well.

VENUS is Trine Pluto, peaking on 8/29, and in the range of effectiveness from 8/23 through 9/4. This trine enhances heart energies and because Pluto is involved it can help the connection between all beings, as well as individuals. During the early stages of this trine it is also part of the Kite formation discussed above, making it extremely advantageous.

Ruling VENUS will be in this powerful placement in Libra on the next  lunar eclipse in Pisces on 9/17. This makes her very helpful to us in the coming weeks.

May you find your grace and your Godspeed during this harvest season.




Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now

Each day at 5 PM EST, we will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all. You do not have to be present each day to be part of the prayer/healing team.

If you would like to be part of the Prayer Warriors, or have a request for healing please email our Healing Program director, JoAnn Wormuth at and she will add you to the team, and/or the prayer list.




Hey ISD - What Keeps you laughing??        

Here are some of our favorite TV shows from a smattering of us here in Oneonta.

Check the newsletter each time for more ideas on what's fun and light to watch!







3-Young Sheldon


4-Big Bang Theory



Check out our August & September 2024 events calendar for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook, to see our events, guided meditations and homilies posted there.

Looking for a moment of Zen?

Subscribe to

our ISD Youtube Channel

to watch inspired homilies & guided meditations from our favorite ISD Ministers and guest speakers!



What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?

It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center originally founded 47 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy.


We stand for each individual’s right to seek their own personal Truth, as they respect the same right for others. We honor the sacred texts of all traditions of the Light

The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.

ISD is a spiritual community that focuses on healing and intuitive connection, and the joy of finding the spirit connection within rather than being told how it should or could be experienced.

We welcome those who want to belong to a spiritual group of like-minded people, in which you can explore and find your own path in a community of love and support.

There are classes, services, events, and a sense of community and fellowship. Energy healing and intuitive messages are delivered as a regular part of the worship service. Classes offer many tools which will help you on your life path, and the community we are creating together is one of openness and acceptance, and the ability to adapt with change and growth.


Welcome Home!!!

We could use your help. If you would like to volunteer to help with our Metaphysical Library, event planning, service planning, website, office tasks, or anything else- Just call or email Diana!

Did you know that there are other ISD chapters?

It all began with ISD Sparta NJ!

Now there are also chapters in, Washington DC, Treasure Coast Fla, and of course....right here in Oneonta NY.


Like and Follow US on Facebook


Together we shine love and light to souls around the country and around the world with education, metaphysical services, healing and community.

We support YOU in your quest to explore, build, and develop your own spiritual connection,



Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center.

Like and follow us on Facebook

Diana. Friedell

ISD Oneonta Board of Directors

Kimberly Winsor - President

Jo Ann Wormuth- Vice President

Tom Landon-Secretary

Sali Dellysse - Treasurer

Connie Lull-


Susan Owens -


Sherry Barton


Jaya Buckland


Chantal Doktor


Diana Friedell ex-officio


Story Ducey ex-officio

Our ISD Leadership


Diana Friedell - Pastor, Co-Director

Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director

Ministry Training Program

JoAnn Wormuth – Healing Program Director

JayaBuckland - Adult Ed Chair

Kimberly Winsor, Diana Friedell- Newsletter Editors in Carla Finn's absence

Tami Barrows- Tech/Administrative Assistant

Amy Gallop- Social Media

Visit our Website



Got Bottles & Cans to return?

ISD has a CLYNK account at Hannaford in Oneonta.

How can I help? 

Email Tom Landon at and he will give you a time to pick up stickers at our new ISD headquarters.

Take one to put on each bag that you are bringing to Hannaford- Ask someone there where the bags go. With that correct tag on it, the bottle deposit money goes directly into the ISD Oneonta Account.



Thank you for being part of the ISD community,

Rev. Diana Friedell: Pastor/Co-Director, Story Lucile Ducey: Co-Director &

Kimberly Winsor: President at ISD Oneonta.

Get in touch

Rev. Diana Friedell, Pastor, 607-433-2089

ISD NEWS- ""The Golden Rule: Where did it Go?"

July 13, 2023

Next Metaphysical Service

Sunday, July 16th, at 10:00 AM

In Person at Lotus Ctr & via Zoom

Homily: ""The Golden Rule: Where did it Go?"

by Jo Ann Wormuth

Emcee: Ally Sutton-Pyle


Intuitively received messages are given by ISD sanctioned mediums for some audience members as a regular part of the service.

Please Stay after service, for Refreshments & Hospitality!

Upcoming classes and events...

"Karma, Kleshas & Koshas" w/Jaya Buckland

Thursday July 13, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Weekly on Thursday, until July 13, 2023

Via ZOOM -Get Link when you Register

“Karma, Kleshas and Koshas” - What are Kleshas (cause of suffering in this life) Koshas (like auras) What do they hold? What is Karma and how are we affected by all three?


Magical Labyrinth Walk at Harmony Hill!

and Save the DATE for our next Adventure!

Eight of us gathered at the Harmony Hill Retreat on a hot sunny Saturday, July 8th to experience the Labyrinth there. Chris Rosenthal, Reiki Master Teacher and counselor, co-owner of Harmony Hill shared her calling story to "come to the Northeast", and she followed this guidance and found the magical land for Harmony Hill, with her business partner Jana. In 2004 Chris and Jana built the labyrinth by hand (!!) to very precise specifications. The exact spot for the center of the labyrinth was revealed by a very strong pull on the dowser's rods, much to his surprise.

We heard about Labyrinths from Diana Friedell, with more fascinating details on the significance of this replica of the labyrinth in Chartres, and how to walk it shared by Robin Brotherton, who used to own her own Chartres style labyrinth. Many thanks to Kyle Brown, and Karin Murphy for taking pictures. You can view their pics on the ISD website at this link.

We ended our personal insight filled walks with chanting three oms as we circled the labyrinth, and sent healing out to our friends and to the world. Other labyrinth walkers were Larry Brotherton, Frank Steverson, Connie Lull and Joe Rossi. We re-grouped for a delicious lunch at The Diner in Davenport! It was a day of adventure, magic and fun. The labyrinth is open to the public, Chris recommends you call ahead ( to be sure its available at the time you plan to go.

-Diana Friedell

Gilbert Lakek State Park dock


for our NEXT ADVENTURE! August 11th, at Gilbert Lake!

870 County Route 12, Laurens, NY 13796

Activities between 12noon and dusk. . .

Click on link below for details and directions and to Register

Please join us for a celebratory picnic & fun day for ISD Members and Friends at Gilbert Lake State Park, Briggs Pavilion. You won't want to miss this!! There will be yoga with Kimberly, a guided nature meditation with Ally, a nature walk around the lake, Yoga Nidra meditation with Jaya, a Sound Healing Session with the amazing Beth Patella, a wonderful shared meal, a campfire & a chance to kayak and swim. Its going to be a wonderful FREE retreat day for all ages!

All events are free, rain or shine - including catered sandwich makings for dinner- we just ask you to bring a side dish or dessert to pass for the evening! Celebrate our Seventh year together as ISD Oneonta! Its going to be relaxing and rejuvenating, and a blast!


Magdalene Meditation Circle w/Dale Capristo

Thursday July 20, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM on Zoom

Dear Friends,

Looking forward to our Magdalena Circle next Thursday, July 20th at 7:00 p.m.

This month's quality is Dignity. I have been embracing this quality more this week, especially since I was on the Facebook live with other panelists to share about Dignity.

You can still see the conversation on the Magdalena Healing FB page.

Also I am sending you the link to the interview with Lucinda Hanover on the quality of Dignity.

May your week be filled with dignity and peace.




Integrated Energy Therapy w/JoAnn Wormuth

Sunday July 30, 2023 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

In person at Lotus Center, 124 Co. Hwy 58, Oneonta, or via ZOOM (map)

This amazing workshop is for anyone who loves angels. Under the guidance of Integrated Energy Therapy© Instructor, and ISD Oneonta's Healing Program Director, JoAnn Wormuth, You will learn how to energetically connect with nine healing angels, and develop a relationship with them which will assist you in your personal transformation. Students will be provided with The Healing Angels of the Energy Field workbook to support their learning experience. Certificate of Completion will be granted. 


Creating Your Unique Holistic Practice

Thursday August 3, 2023 5:30-7 PM

AND Thursday, August 10, 2023, 5:30-7PM

Via Zoom Meeting- get link when you register

$46/$37 Tuition 10% off in Advance= $41/$33 for ISD Members

So you're a gifted reader or healer and friends keep asking you for healing or for a psychic reading. Have you had the call? Is Spirit urging you to set up a practice? This class is designed, for those who feel ready with experience in intuitive development or healing training, to prepare you for the next step. Perhaps you have a practice and want to add a new modality. . . this class is for you.

In this class, taught by 20 year Psychic Intuitive, Diana Friedell, and SHIFT NY Fair Director, we will address everything you need to know to start an effective practice that reflects who you are and your God given gifts. In class we will cover:

• The unique structure of your client session

• Creating rapport, and sacred space.

• Each person will develop their introductory explanation of their unique process

• Each person will write a short effective biography of themselves and what they do, for event promotion purposes

• Each person will write & tell the story of their "calling" to this work, until it is a convenient elevator speech

• We will practice reading for each other, with our new structure, and give feedback to each other.

• Ethics do's and don'ts


Check out our July 2023 events calendar for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook, to see our events, guided meditations and homilies posted there. July event calendar  HERE

Prayer Warriors

Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now.

Each day at 5 PM EST, we will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all.

You do not have to be present each day. Requests for healing or suggestions should be submitted to our Healing Program director, JoAnn Wormuth at the below ISD website link


Our Astrological Forecast

Connie’s Celestial Conversations

Check out this Interview of Connie on Facebook!

She explains how she intuitively receives her Astrology information & invites us to her Star Gazing Dinner

ASTROLOGY FORECAST       (July 18 - 24, 2023)

VENUS goes retrograde in Leo on 7/22 until 9/3. This leaves Venus in Leo for a long time this year, because of the retrograde interval - 4 months. This transit has been assisted by stelliums involving several planets and asteroids. That situation continues. This time the stellium in Leo consists of the Sun, Venus, and Lilith. The focus of Venus for a Leo retrograde is in relationships and finances. Particularly, how does that express itself with Leo traits? You may reexamine the way in which you apply power, dignity, love, self-love, and sovereignty to your Venus traits of beauty, love, relationships and finances. Venus is a personal planet with a beneficial nature. The retrograde in Leo might ask you if you are behaving in a noble manner? The Sun and Lilith stellium with Venus may ask you if the actions you are taking are helping you find a renewed inner balance between the masculine and feminine?

The Sun moves into Fire sign  Leo on 7/22. Leo traits are powerful. This energy exhibits great confidence, leadership qualities, willpower, and regal bearing.The energy comes to everyone through the Sun's effectiveness in Leo, the sign it rules. If wielded intelligently, Leo energy can build up the effectiveness of any group.

If you feel overwhelmed with the Leo energy at any time during its transit there is a method to safely dissipate the energy. If you feel pressure building you may take a deep breath and let it out in several puffs of breath. Be mindful to expel the energy in a direction that does not point at anyone in particular in case they are not in an optimum time to receive such energy. Those who can use it will draw it to themselves, consciously or unconsciously. 

There is also a "catalyst" effect that is less well known. Leo birth natives can bring out the best abilities of those they are around, even if they say nothing. It is an initiatory force. Just as the Sun shines down on everyone, so too can Leo energy. 

Our Sun rules the zodiac sign Leo. It is also called "Helios", and is bringing through energies and coded messages from the Great Central Sun. This Sun is thought to be the Sun at the center of the intersection between the spirit and physical planes. It is the physical white fire Godhead.  This is the total eclipse alignment our Sun and the Milky Way Galaxy reached with the Great Central Sun on 12/21/12 that ushered us into the next Baktun, or Mayan long count. 

Leo energy is available to you. Receptivity to those coded messages will benefit you greatly. You need not perceive with your conscious mind alone. In fact,  you will probably get much better results at this point in time if you feel with your heart in what way the energies may be able to help you. Every part of your soul expression will observe this energy if you are willing.

There are other latent possibilities for Leo energy. I believe most of us know of the alignment of the Egyptian Sphinx with the constellation Leo. There is also an extensive spiritual and mystical connection in Egypt to the feline energy by many of the Goddesses. Alchemy, healing, and some of the mystery schools have powerful feline, feminine energy.

Many Goddesses are associated with other feline qualities that the Leo energy can also be connected to now in addition to the lone male lion depicting power and leadership. I mentioned last month that the Leo lion constellation is directly facing the Cancer crab stars in the sky. The motherhood and community energies of Cancer are well expressed within the Pride, a female group of lions and their young. This can be an expression of group energy that will utilize its power to assist many at the same time. The power of the individual may now include the greater good of the entire group in its best expression. This is a blending of zodiac energies that can be possible in the new Aquarian Age.

Dignity, flexibility, grace, self love, strength, and sovereignty are all Leo traits.

Sovereignty is worth further exploration. We all live our lives in our own personal holograms. We create our own reality with our core beliefs and habitual thoughts. The outside world responds to our thoughts and actions. There is, perhaps, no better Astrological sign to express this self creation and assurance than Leo. Contained within the constellation's stars is the Royal Star Regulus. Regulus is associated with the crown chakra. We will visit this star again next month.

Allow Leo to help you believe in your own Sovereignty, and then use that to be of service in the ways you are best suited to offer.

Asteroid CHIRON  stations retrograde in Aries on 7/23 until 12/23/23. This 5 month time may be able to help you greatly! Chiron is referred to as, "The Wounded Healer." The beneficial action is to present the deepest wounds for consideration and healing. In Aries it is personal. These will be your wounds and your self esteem that can come out of this retrograde in much better shape than ever by the end. Chiron has been performing this service while it's been in Aries. How the retrograde may be different is that you may be able to rethink your methods and come to different solutions that will serve you better. Self love is the aspiration here. 

May you find it!


(July 25 - 31, 2023)

PLUTO squares the North Node of the Moon in the last week. This is another way to move along on your path toward soul growth if you take advantage of the opportunity. Pluto will present you with steps you may have skipped or glossed over from previous incarnations. You will most likely have had instances earlier in this life that illustrate the issues for you. Remember our previous discussions about Pluto. It offers redemption and transformation. Do not be afraid of it. It may not be easy, but these are steps we all must take at some point. Now is the time. The energy supports you. Aries is about exciting new ventures and Pluto in Capricorn is helping clean up your foundation for the departure from this sign in 2024 for the rest of all of our lifetimes. Now is the time!

MERCURY enters Virgo on 7/28 until 10/22. This will be a long transit due to a retrograde interval in August. This is a very strong placement for Mercury. It both rules Virgo and is exalted in this sign. Excellent organization and communication skills in precise detail can be enjoyed here. You may find ways to explain obscure concepts. We all may see new inventions gain expression during this time.

Beginning in July we have four(4) times when the planets will be forming what is called a YOD, or Finger of God chart pattern.  It is very powerful. The dates in 2023 when these will be forming are:

7/26/23 - Pluto/Neptune and


10/03/23 - (2 YODS)

Neptune and Mars/Uranus 

Neptune and Mars/Venus

10/14/23 - Jupiter and 


10/24/23 - Uranus and


They are before and after the second pair of Eclipses. They are potential triggers of major events, or they portend great changes beginning. There was a YOD  formation present on or around the December 2012 alignment of our Sun with the Great Central Sun.  

On 7/26 the planets forming the YOD are Pluto sextile Neptune and Mercury conjunct  Venus, with Lilith within the outer range of that conjunction. 

The aspect is a large isosceles triangle with the planets sextile to each other forming the base. The opposite end is the apex planet forming the point. It is rare and powerful. When it is in a natal chart it speaks to ancestral patterns present for generations going unaddressed. The individual is tasked with attempting to break the pattern. 

Our 4 YOD aspects coming up are in a transit chart. It is no less powerful. It speaks to planetary and cultural patterns that need attention. The fact that they are sandwiched around Solar and Lunar Eclipses is even more significant. We may be in for a big shake up. It may lead to great change. Most will likely consider the changes to be for the better. 

This first YOD has Mercury, Venus, and Lilith at the apex position all conjunct in Leo. This would indicate the changes may concern female power and expression in our society. Perhaps these will be changes that will bring females and their contributions into a more active role in our cultures. 

One of the base planets, Pluto in Capricorn, has been discussed a great deal. Finalizing our reunion with, and transformation of, the shadows is preeminent. The second base planet is Neptune in Pisces. That adds an excellent chance to bring wonderful new dreams into our lives. Neptune rules Pisces and this is a combination that enhances dreams, mysticism, and futuristic endeavors.

This aspect will almost assuredly create a noticeable shift. We should all benefit from whatever comes into being. The nature of the changes and their timing remains to be decided. We can all participate in ways that seem appropriate. Progress that you achieve in your personal life benefits everyone. Don't underestimate your contribution. May we be guided and blessed.

What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?

It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center original founded 40 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy

We stand for each individual’s right to seek their own personal Truth, as they respect the same right for others. We honor the sacred texts of all traditions of the Light

The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.

ISD is a spiritual community that focuses on healing and intuitive connection, and the joy of finding the spirit connection within rather than being told how it should or could be experienced.

We welcome those who want to belong to a spiritual group of like-minded people, in which you can explore and find your own path in a community of love and support.

There are classes, services, events, and a sense of community and fellowship. Energy healing and intuitive messages are delivered as a regular part of the worship service. Classes offer many tools which will help you on your life path, and the community we are creating together is one of openness and acceptance, and the ability to adapt with change and growth.

Welcome Home!!!

We could use your help. If you would like to volunteer to help with our Metaphysical Library, event planning, service planning, website, office tasks, or anything else- Just call or email! Diana!

Did you know that there are other ISD chapters?

It all began with ISD Sparta NJ!

Now there are also chapters in, Washington DC, Treasure Coast Fla, and of course....right here in Oneonta NY.

We would ALL like to welcome you to our new Institute for Spiritual Development Facebook group:

Like and Follow on Facebook

Institute for Spiritual Development International

Together we shine love and light to souls around the country and around the world with education, metaphysical services, healing and community.

We support YOU in your quest to explore, build, and develop your own spiritual connection

Got Bottles & Cans to return?

ISD has a CLYNK account at Hannaford in Oneonta. 

How can I help? 

Email Tom Landon at and he will give you a time to pick up stickers at our new ISD headquarters.

Take one to put on each bag that you are bringing to Hannaford- Ask someone there where the bags go. With that correct tag on it, the bottle deposit money goes directly into the ISD Oneonta Account.

Kimberly Winsor

Rev. Story Ducey

Rev. Diana Friedell

ISD Oneonta Board of Director

Kimberly Winsor - President

Jo Ann Wormuth- Vice President

Tom Landon-Secretary

Sali Dellysse - Treasurer

Connie Lull-


Susan Owens -


Christene Springle - Trustee

Story Ducey -

Ex-Officio Member

Sherri Barton


Carol Callahan


Diana Friedell - ex officio

Our ISD Leadership

Diana Friedell - Pastor, Co-Director

Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director

Adult Education/Programming Chair

Ministry Training Program

JoAnn Wormuth – Healing Program Director

Carla Finn- Newsletter Editor

Tami Barrows- Administrative Assistant

Amy Gallop- Social Media

Visit our Website
Sign up for ISD Newsletter

Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center.

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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