The mission of Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is to “Heal the world one heart at a time”. In this series of seven transformation workshops, students will be given tools to do just that from activating your 12-strand DNA, to clearing your karma, empowering your heart, and more. All workshops engage both the left and right sides of the brain and are interactive.
Participants are required to take the first workshop Heart-Link with Your Angel. After that you can decide to take the remaining six workshops or pick from the series. The first workshop will be offered at no cost to all interested participants. Whether you have taken this workshop before and want to refresh your understanding, have completed IET Basic, or are new to the Integrated Energy Therapy experience, you will be welcome.
A Student Workbook will be available for purchase. It is not required, yet strongly suggested.
Please note, individuals who have attended this workshop previously or have completed IET Basic are not required to complete this workshop to participate in the transformational series.
Integrated Energy Therapy’s®
Steps To Transformation
Saturday 1/25/25 9:30- Noon FREE- no tuition
Step 1: Heart-Link with Your Angel
This first workshop is required and must be completed before taking any other Transformation Workshops. Learn how to establish an Angelic Heartlink, a heart-to-heart energetic connection with your angels. Angels must obey human free will. Learn how to invite angel guidance and wisdom into your life.
Saturday 2/8/25 9:30-12:30 $46 General Admission or $37 ISD Members
Step 2: Activating Your 12-Strand DNA
Everyone comes to earth with a definite purpose, a Soul’s Mission. This mission is encoded within you. Learn the 5 primary parts of your Soul’s Mission and become familiar with the 12-Strand DNA model. Participants will activate their own 12-Strands of DNA.
Step 3: Clearing Your Karma
Discussion will be directed toward developing an understanding of what karma is and the different ways it might impact your life. There will be an overview of the karma process, followed by practice of the karma clearing process.
Saturday 3/8/25 9:30-12:30 $46 General Admission or $37 ISD Members
Step 4: Forgiveness.
Forgiveness can be an easy thing to say, yet often a hard thing to do. Blending Integrated Energy Therapy®, sacred geometry, group energy, and personal intent True Forgiveness can be achieved.
Step 5: Empowering Your Heart
The Empowered Heart is a union of heart and power. Learn the three degrees of balance that are key to achieving the point of perfect balance. Students will write an Essential Action List which will be placed in a blessing bowl and with a vortex of energy created by the group draw in all the required elements to enable you to live your Life’s Essential Action.
Saturday 4/12/25 9:30-12:30 $46 General Admission or $37 ISD Members
Step 6: Future Life Progression.
This is an angelically guided journey to a lifetime in which you are living your life’s Essential Action. This experience can create a shift helping us to reach our life’s full potential in this lifetime. Your view of reality may shift opening doors to possibilities.
Step 7: Freedom
Learn how to achieve a true state of freedom. First you will focus on ways you give up your Freedom. Next we will lead you through an IET Freedom technique to help you keep your freedom.
You can choose to register for the next workshop or choose which one you would like to attend. You will receive a 10% discount for registering for all 4 paid workshops.
You will need to take the first free workshop in order to attend the other workshops.
Jo Ann experienced a dream visitation by Archangel Gabriel while recovering from a life-threatening illness in 2014. She came to understand that this visitation was her calling by God to use her gifts as a “Lightworker” to help humanity on Earth..
JoAnn began a path to become an Energy Healer by completing Eden Energy Medicine Foundations. She is now a Reiki Master Teacher and an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor. She is also the Healing Director with the Oneonta Chapter of the Institute for Spiritual Development. In all her practices and teachings, she strives to impart that true health is a balance of physical, mental and spiritual bodies.
To contact JoAnn, please email her at
To Visit JoAnn's Profile Page, Click Here