Sister star Sirius, and sister planet Venus have returned from their sojourn behind the Sun. This year's Lion's Gate, which is the alignment of Sirius, Royal star Regulus in Leo, Orion's Belt, and the Giza Pyramid in Egypt, was last week. Let us review this annual occurrence once more so that you may frame it in the energies of 2024.
All around and within us the Divine Feminine is rising. She has always been here - in the vast spaces of the void, between stars and between our bodily cell components. They are one and the same! She has always whispered to us of the necessity for wisdom and BALANCE. Now she is going to shout, if that is what it takes to get our attention!
Each year the Lion's Gate opens a significant portal and new light, new information can stream into our 3D plane from multidimensional sources. Remember, as well, that our galaxy has now passed into the photon belt. We are being sent brand new light and wisdom because we are passing through portions of the Cosmos that we have not traversed before. This energy is not a “one off.” It will stay with us now, endlessly circulating so that we can each use it to our greatest advantage.
How may this show up for you? Let's begin with what is now supported more in the Aquarian Age:
Balance, Cooperation, Collaboration, Flowing (non-resistance), Self-love and when filled - then altruism, etc.
Perhaps more than anything this may show up in areas of control. Each of us may be asked to recognize where we strive to “control” and be encouraged to relax. Trust and allow flow to supplement our 3D existence from sources beyond our usual perception. This is a wonderful way to ease your existence, to serve self and others.
This is not always comfortable. So if you are struggling, know that you are not alone.
The FULL MOON is on 8/19 in Aquarius at 2:26 pm EST.
This lunation will most likely feel challenging for most of us. It features 2 T-square alignments. (A T-square is an opposition combined with a square to both of them.) Let's look at them one at a time.
The Moon in Aquarius is opposite the 3 way exact conjunction between Sun/Vesta/Mercury in Leo. Square to both opposite ends is Uranus in Taurus. Uranus will create the possibility for sudden developments; which we have had plenty of examples of recently.
The Aquarius/Leo axis of the FULL MOON can shed light on, and show any imbalances between altruism and leadership/power dynamics. That is both on the personal and the world-wide level. This will give each of us another chance to let go of energies from our life and DNA that no longer serve us. Once these imbalances are understood and learned from they may be released.
In addition to this, Uranus square to both opposites in Taurus is likely to shed light on how the above dynamics meld with resources - both personal and those of the collective. How do we work with each other and the Earth?
Asteroid Vesta's involvement is interesting here and may be of assistance in this 5 way alignment. She lends qualities of the sacred to our lives, and may help us choose wisely.
The 2nd T-square is between Saturn in Pisces opposite Venus in Virgo, both square to Jupiter and Mars conjunct in Gemini.
This T-square has an added challenge, that 3 of the planets are in astrological signs where they are not as comfortable - those being Saturn, Venus, and Mars. This T-square may create a swirl of energies in a chaotic mix for a few days.
Not all the aspects are challenging on this FULL MOON day. There is a minor trine (1 trine, 2 sextiles), and another trine as well.
The minor trine is between:
Pluto in Aquarius
Neptune in Pisces
Uranus in Taurus
The trine is between the Moon and conjunct Jupiter & Mars.
The trines and sextiles will add some relief to the chaotic mix. We may find our best results by relaxing through this time as much as possible.
This lunation will be happening in the midst of a Mercury retrograde. That is a great deal of energy that may stir things up for all of us. I think it might be wise to hold any important decisions until after these days around the FULL MOON. There will be relief coming next week.
The SUN moves into Virgo on 8/22. This year's transit through Virgo may come as a welcome settling effect. Virgo loves order and competence. This will help us mentally tabulate all the changes from the previous months.
Virgo is thorough in everything. No detail is too small, no analysis left undone. You will be assisted in sorting the components of your life. What might some of those details be? One area is DNA clearing/processing. What is yours to deal with? What belongs to the family line and may simply be released? Which situation needs immediate attention and which ones can wait?
Those are just a few examples for best using this year's solar Virgo transit.
Consider more symbolism involving Virgo, shown as the Virgin, the innocent, and in Christianity, the Mother Mary. She is shown holding a stalk of ripe wheat. I draw your attention to the grain.
When you examine the ripened heads of many of the long season grains they have something in common. The individual kernels are arranged in a lovely braid, or weave, formation. Braiding and weaving add tremendous strength to each individual strand. Many spiritual belief systems think of the connecting energetic bonds as a weave between non physical, heavenly energy and the physical world. Human culture has incorporated many variations of braiding and weaving in our textiles, art forms, and in many practical products we create. Nature has also created the same designs among the plant kingdom.
This is a visual example of the concept of entrainment. These energetic bonds connect everything - the All in the All. I suggest that the Virgo season that straddles the productivity of Summer and the beginning of the Autumn harvest season, is symbolically important to us. We are invited to choose the threads of our weave carefully. What do you wish to strengthen? What design do you choose for the weave of your matrix?
If you wish to create a new design to your thoughts and your creations, this is a wonderful time to initiate the change. May you weave a lovely design.
(August 24 - 31)
Asteroid VESTA moves into Virgo on 8/24 until 10/27. She joins the SUN for his transit through Virgo. It is a good combination. VESTA is one of the largest, brightest asteroids in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter. She signifies the sacred home/hearth fires. She shows the location of the sacred in your life. VESTA is right at home, and very powerful in Virgo.
The constellation Virgo stretches across a vast expanse of the sky, being one of the larger constellations of the zodiac. It is visible on the western horizon this time of year.
VESTA will help the analysis and organization that Virgo encourages, between what is mundane and what is sacred. Among all the immense details of your life, what is over, complete, and best left behind? What is truly important and sacred, and should go forward with you on the journey?
There is an aspect formation in our sky on the 25th that will bring the best of the positive energies to us after the challenges of the recent Full Moon. It is a Kite Formation, one of the best, most powerful aspects that is formed as the planets travel around the solar system. A kite formation looks just as you would imagine, a kite. It contains a Grand Trine with a Minor Trine on what you can think of as the top side to create the aspect.
Venus in Virgo (sign ruler)
Pluto in Aquarius (at 1°)
Uranus in Taurus
This forms the Grand Trine. The Minor Trine on top is formed by:
Uranus in Taurus trine Pluto in Aquarius- both of them sextile Neptune in Pisces.
The fact that this Kite formation involves mostly outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto would seem to indicate that it could have a great deal of benefit for the masses. The vast beneficial effects may help us with some of the world's difficulties. Venus at the bottom of the Kite will help individuals create grace and beauty that is of a more personal nature.
CERES stations direct in early Capricorn on 8/26. She will help you understand what you most need to feel loved and nurtured. She has strong association with the mother energies, so is well suited to an Earth sign. At this time CERES might be useful in helping you look within for sustenance. More than ever we are encouraged to understand that everything we need is available within our own heart space. The mothering nature of CERES can assist, as you allow your own heart center to fully nurture you. She will be in Capricorn through 12/7.
MERCURY turns direct in Leo on 8/28, and will be in Leo through 9/9. This gives you a chance to try out any adjustments you may have implemented to your leadership skills during the retrograde interval. That could be leading others, or being the “captain of your own soul,” as Nelson Mandela said. How you express the Leo power and leadership traits is important. MERCURY specializes in communications and mental acuity, and can help you.
VENUS moves into Libra on 8/29 until 9/22. This is the best placement for her, as she rules Libra. The combination of Venusian beauty and grace with the justice seeking and balancing energies of Libra may initiate some wonderful developments during this transit. There are a few added benefits as well.
VENUS is Trine Pluto, peaking on 8/29, and in the range of effectiveness from 8/23 through 9/4. This trine enhances heart energies and because Pluto is involved it can help the connection between all beings, as well as individuals. During the early stages of this trine it is also part of the Kite formation discussed above, making it extremely advantageous.
Ruling VENUS will be in this powerful placement in Libra on the next lunar eclipse in Pisces on 9/17. This makes her very helpful to us in the coming weeks.
May you find your grace and your Godspeed during this harvest season.