ISD Newsletter 09/13/24

Author: ISD Oneonta  Published On: Sep-13-2024
Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta

Institute for Spiritual Development

September 13th, 2024

Next Sunday Spiritual Service

WHEN: Sunday, September 15th, 10am

WHERE: The Lotus Center aka Tom Landon's House

124 County Hwy 58, Oneonta, NY 13820

Homilist: Sherry Barton with

“Stretch And Grow Beyond Your Comfort Zone-   Like Pizza Dough!” 

Learning and personal growth requires thinking outside the box. You're thinking about doing things differently. This concept is coined as stepping outside  your comfort zone.

Emcee: Kimberly Winsor

 Join us in person or on zoom: 

In the grand opening event of our "Surviving  to Thriving" Fall Series, stay after service on Sunday, for community, potluck lunch AND  to join Rev. Maggie Kilbride, who leads us in this Fire Ceremony. 

Success at Mystical Reflections Spirit Fest 9-7-24

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers! Pictured here from L to R: Karin Murphy, Kimberly Winsor, Jaya Buckland, Pat Winsor, Tom Landon. And Marilyn Burke reading for Chantal Doktor.

Twenty four people experienced the magical energy at Spirit Fest at the Community Room at the Southside Mall last Saturday with reading and healing sessions.  We raised over $600 for ISD Oneonta in this fundraiser! Special thanks to our additional volunteers to the ones mentioned above- readers, logistics & healers: Story Ducey, Renee Ranke, Melissa Lavin, Diana Friedell.  Kudos- a big task. with lots of planning and a job well done!

Fall Schedule of classes is out!
"From Surviving to Thriving"

How do we find inner peace, in chaotic times of change? Join us at ISD Oneonta for a ZOOM series exploring helpful tools from various traditions for riding the waves of change & rising above the chaos in times of transition. We will explore practices of Prayer/Meditation, telepathy, intuition, astrology, pendulums, faith & more.

ISD  Summer Picnic, Potluck and Play

On 8-17-24 Karla Sikora did a very magical sound healing experience during our spiritual service. (Photographer-Karin Murphy)


We had a smorgasbord of a potluck lunch and several people led songs,  played guitar and jumped in on a healing drum circle

The rhythm of life is a beautiful thing!

(Drum Circle photo by Ally Sutton-Pyle)


Thursday New Earth Series-

8-29 thru 9-18, 5:30pm-7pm (!Last Class was changed to Wed 9-18!)

With Amanda Hoover

$33 PER CLASS, Additional 20% off for ISD Members!

This series, with Amanda Hoover, a Certified Life Coach, Ascension Guide, Shaman, Geomancer and Reiki Master Practitioner introduces us to the mystical experiences in ancient temples.   Click below for full info or to register.

FREE Dream Circle


Every Thursday this fall through November 14, 2024

10:00 am- 11:30am


Come learn to step through the gates of your dreams to bring guidance from your dreams to everyday life, gain insight into problems and situations, understand your past, peer into the future, visit with departed ones and get in touch with your deepest desires.

ISD Chapters in Sparta, Oneonta, and WDC collaborate to offer this weekly Dream Circle on ZOOM, which is free to all ISD Members, from any chapter. Participation in this dream circle is limited to ISD Members. If you are interested in becoming a member- please click here.


CLICK below to read about the facilitators, and to Register. . .


Navigating Annoyance and Triggers with Jaya Buckland and Connie Lull

Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 10:00am - 1:00pm

Join us by zoom or in-person at

The Lotus Center (Tom Landon's House)

124 Co. Hwy 58
Oneonta, NY 13820

In this class we will be discussing: Identifying disruptive energetic patterns that created stress; tools to lower anxiety.
Join Connie and Jaya in this interactive group designed to help identify and manage disrupted energetic patterns that are created.  


September 16 - 21)

There is a LUNAR ECLIPSE on 9/17 at 10:34 pm EST. This is a partial eclipse. In New York we will mostly see the shadow/penumbra of the Earth cross the Moon. The Earth will only cover a small upper slice of the Moon at the peak of the eclipse. It will be powerful nonetheless because it is the 3rd consecutive Supermoon in a group of four, and because of some very potent aspects formed in the solar system that evening.

The solar/lunar eclipses stay on an axis between two signs for an approximately 18 month period. The Pisces/Virgo cycle is between now and February 2027. As with all eclipse cycles, some will remain on the previous Libra/Aries axis, and some will be on the Aquarius/Leo axis. But the majority will now be on the Pisces/Virgo axis for this next cycle. 

This is the first of seven along the Pisces/Virgo axis. Interesting, and significant, for this group of eclipses is that 6 of the 7 in this series are lunar. That's not common. Lunar eclipses are much more relationship based and emotional in nature. I believe that during this next 18 month interval we will see a much more fully developed “heart brain” across the Earth's human population. It is acknowledged that the heart contains neurological cells very similar to the cranial brain tissue. There is also speculation that other areas of the body contain similar neural networks, (gut, liver, etc.)

During the time spoken of, I believe we will continue to utilize our “heart” brain and emotional nature more as we move further into the photon belt and the Aquarian Age. The numerous lunar eclipses will help facilitate these changes. This will be one tangible example of the rise of the Divine Feminine. This will be the invitation for the actualization of “thinking with our hearts and feeling with our brains.”

The 9/17 eclipse will find the FULL MOON in Pisces with the SUN in opposition in Virgo on the other end of the axis. 

During any eclipse the invitation is to balance two opposing forces in a completely new way.

This will create a recurring pattern for most eclipses between now and February 2027. 

PISCES is esoteric, mysterious, dreamy and other worldly in outlook, imaginative, multidimensional, and innovative. The impossible seems possible in Pisces. 

VIRGO is all about the practical, organization of physical and earth bound life. How do we best utilize and organize resources? No detail is too minute. 

The eclipse axis asks us to create a new balance between these seeming opposites. For example, can fantastical, multidimensional concepts become perfectly logical in your world view? Can you use the Virgo energies to anchor this new paradigm into the everyday physical world? The answer is that, yes, of course we can. Almost all accepted fact was once “science fiction” and/or fantasy. It requires both a change of habitual thinking and emotional intelligence.

We have done it many times before, hence the idea of ages, eras, epochs, etc. Now, once again, we are invited to create and improve on the foundations of all our previous experiments. Whenever we do this some resistance is always a challenge - in everyone. The difference is the strength and duration of the resistance.

Astrology has always illustrated choices. Some astrologists have chosen to portray the fated, karmic aspect as almost inevitable at worst, or at least extremely difficult to overcome, at best. Many of us now are expanding the guidance to more asteroids, comets, points, etc. We are concentrating on the best possible choices and strengths of each individual and expecting the “better Angels” of humanity to prevail. The arrival of eclipse cycles on Pisces/Virgo and followed by Aquarius/Leo axis’ will be of tremendous assistance to advance our individual and collective creations in the coming years.

I have used the analogy of an airport beacon once before. I have lived in an area that is approximately 20 miles from a small local airport. We have always been able to see the rotating beam of light when it is turned on. But while it is shining continuously, we only notice the light as it points in our direction. 

Astrological events and transits are a very similar effect. As an event/transit approaches your attention is piqued. Interest remains stimulated for a certain amount of time, then usually is overtaken by a different transit. The beacon effect is especially strong when it conjuncts, or duplicates, a placement of your natal chart. That is the reason for the oft repeated concept of timing in astrology. The planetary returns are this concept in action. 

Now, concerning the eclipse on 9/17:
There may be a wide variety of reactions to this one. That is because the T-squares and the Kite Formation I discussed in detail last time are both present in the sky this night. The person who concentrates on the challenging T-squares and thinks of them as cursed, or hard will have one result. Those who choose to put emphasis on the Kite formation and think of the T-squares as a golden opportunity will garner very different results.

In conclusion, the effects of any eclipse remain quite strong for 6 months. You have time to make your choices. This time may inspire more chaos, depending on everyone's reactions and levels of resistance. Find your center, your happy place, if you can, and create from there. May this eclipse help you find your Godspeed.

(September 22 - 30)

The SUN moves into Libra on 9/22 at 7:45 am EST. This is also the Autumnal Earth Equinox. There is much that is very positive on this Equinox.

As you might remember, the Kite Formation that I have spoken of is a major feature on 9/22. The outer planets are still in the minor grand trine aspect at the top of the Kite with the apex NEPTUNE in Pisces sextile PLUTO in Capricorn, and URANUS and the MOON sextile in Taurus. The Grand Trine holds between URANUS, PLUTO, and the SUN at the bottom, or tail of the Kite in Libra.

To add to the positive energy, there is a super stellium of planets, asteroids, and points in Libra. They include:


VENUS is Libra's ruling planet, so this is obviously a great placement. Venus adds beauty and grace to balance, justice, and fairness.

The South Node of the Moon indicates our innate talents as well as our habitual soul patterns. 

All of the remaining asteroids and points are representative of male/female relationships and the balance between them. 

This is auspicious in its potential for advancement. We have all of the members of this stellium fanned out on either side of the Sun as the tail of that wonderful Kite formation. Pisces and Libra are wonderful signs to help us along in the age - old attempt to find balance between the female and male.

This is not likely to be instantaneous for most of us. The balance that we are attempting is both internal and external. We can all choose for ourselves, but have limited ability to influence others, so patience is useful. It is not unreasonable to hope for a beginning of a significant shift in the habitual patterns of all humanity. 

This Kite formation that has been our heavenly partner throughout September is rare beyond measure. Normally, such aspects are much shorter in duration. As I  stated before, the fact that the corners are occupied by slow moving outer planets explains the duration of this amazing assistance. That it has been in full efficacy on the cusp of a new harvest season speaks of potential almost beyond imagination! Expect great things.

Autumn is a season of harvest and celebration. It is a favorite of many. The Sun in Libra assists with balance, refinement, justice, and beauty.

VENUS stays in Libra for the Equinox, but then moves into Scorpio later in the day on 9/22, staying through 10/17. This is a very strong placement. VENUS is passionate and sensual in Scorpio. Feelings and expressions are not usually neutral. They are likely to be powerful, so much so that jealousy may be an unfortunate result. There might be wisdom in temperance during this placement to get the best from these energies. 

I will remind you to look for VENUS in our western sky at dusk. She will be lower on the horizon now, and will gradually climb higher into the sky during the evening as we progress throughout the Fall season . By early Winter she will remain in the sky throughout the night. VENUS is one of the most beautiful beacons in our sky. Allow our sister planet to inspire your days this Fall.

MERCURY  moves into Libra on 9/26 until 10/13.
Mercury represents our mental capabilities and how well we express them. Libra is a good placement. The written and spoken word is more likely to be balanced and fair. Listening and negotiating are more favored while Mercury transits Libra.

I believe that September will prove to be a memorable month by the time it has concluded. Never before have I seen anything like the rare, very beneficial Kite Formation lasting this long. It will have been a tremendous gift to us all. May it help you find your Godspeed!


Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm ET we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now.
We will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all. You do not have to be present each day to be part of the prayer/healing team.
If you would like to be part of the Prayer Warriors, or have a request for healing please email our Healing Program director, JoAnn Wormuth at and she will add you to the team, and/or the prayer list.


Hey ISD - What Keeps you laughing??        

Here are some of our favorite TV shows from a smattering of us here in Oneonta.

Check the newsletter each time for more ideas on what's fun and light to watch!





Funny animal or cat videos on Youtube

Schitts Creek
Only Murders in the Building


Check out our August & September 2024 events calendar for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook, to see our events, guided meditations and homilies posted there.

Looking for a moment of Zen?

Subscribe to

our ISD Youtube Channel

What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?

It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center originally founded 47 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy.

The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.


Welcome Home!!!


Click Here to Learn More About ISD


Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center.

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Diana. Friedell

ISD Oneonta Board of Directors

  • Kimberly Winsor - President
  • Jo Ann Wormuth- Vice President
  • Tom Landon-Secretary
  • Sali Dellysse - Treasurer
  • Connie Lull-Trustee
  • Susan Owens -Trustee

  • Sherry Barton-Trustee

  • Jaya Buckland-Trustee

  • Chantal Doktor-Trustee
  • Diana Friedell ex-officio
  • Story Ducey ex-officio

Our ISD Leadership

  • Diana Friedell - Pastor, Co-Director
  • Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director

    Ministry Training Program

  • JoAnn Wormuth – Healing Program Director
  • Jaya Buckland - Adult Ed Chair
  • Ally Sutton-Pyle with Diana Friedell and Kimberly Winsor - Newsletter
  •  Tami Barrows- Tech/Administrative Assistant
  • Amy Gallop- Social Media

Thank you for being part of the ISD community,

Rev. Diana Friedell: Pastor/Co-Director, Story Lucile Ducey: Co-Director &

Kimberly Winsor: President at ISD Oneonta.

Rev. Diana Friedell, Pastor, 607-433-2089

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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