We have a visual treat in our western sky for the remainder of the month. It is another comet. This one is reported to be one of the brightest in recent years.
It is Tsuchinshan-Atlas, or Comet - A3. It has an orbit of 80,000 years. It originates in the Ort cloud out in the area of Pluto and beyond. You will only see this once in your lifetime.
I have included more asteroids and comets in the column the last few years. They mostly originate from 3 regions; the Main Belt between Mars and Jupiter, the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune, and the Ort Cloud out beyond Pluto.
The deep space objects are from the Ort Cloud, which extends a long way out into space beyond our solar system.
You will find Comet A3 after sunset in the western sky. Look for VENUS and the bright red star, ARCTURUS. The comet will be found between them, but quite a bit closer to Arcturus. The later we progress into October the higher above these two markers you should look. Comet A3 will be visible at first with the naked eye, later on binoculars will be helpful. I looked at it on Tuesday evening. It has a lovely, long tail.
I'm going to begin with a quick explanation of some ASPECTS so that you may get more from my analysis in the column, and of the current Full Moon.
I concentrate on aspects in the column because the geometry in the sky is present for everyone no matter where your signs and planets fall. Since the content needs to apply to all readers, that is why aspect analysis is useful.
We start with the zodiac wheel. It is the same as a clock face and the medicine wheel. The 12 segments are divided into the signs, the Cardinal points/signs are at the beginning of the four seasons. The aspects are various angular geometrical measurements within the circle. It creates, for example; a square within a circle - a Grand Cross, or a Triangle within the circle - a Grand Trine, a rectangle - a Mystic Rectangle, a sextile - one side of a hexagon, a Trine - one side of a pentagon.
These arrangements add extra energy to the zodiac wheel. They work with the “timing” that astrology focuses on, shining a spotlight on a particular theme for a time.
It may be helpful to think of other cultures whose symbols contain this sacred geometry; triangles, squares, hexagons, and pentagons within circles. They are universally understood to promote additional energy beyond the norm. Hence the importance placed upon aspects.
The FULL MOON is on 10/17 in Aries at 7:26 am EST. This is the third of four SUPERMOONS, and the closest. This Hunter's Moon is going to send some extreme energies our way.
There is a Grand Cardinal square/cross between:
MOON in Aries/Fire
SUN in Libra/Air
MARS in Cancer/Water
PLUTO in Capricorn/Earth
You will notice that each of the four elements are included, as well as the cusp sign on each of the four seasons. This Grand Square/Cross is thought to include a significant challenge. We are invited to face some of our long term wounds/problems with courage and balance. This aspect can provide each person a choice - stay with old energies and problems, or utilize your heroic self to imaginatively reconfigure that Grand Cross/Square upward into the realms of your full soul and create your own Grand Pyramid. All is free will and it is likely that we will see both extremes in humanity.
An additional energy comes from a few points that are present near the focal point of the MOON. Asteroid CHIRON, and the chart’s POINT OF FORTUNE are conjunct the Moon in Aries.
CHIRON is the most often included asteroid in chart analysis. It is called the “wounded healer.” It has always been associated with long term wounds that follow us from lifetime to lifetime, and perhaps also down ancestral lines. Having passed several important markers - the Harmonic Convergence, the turn of the century, the 2012 end of the Mayan baktun interval on their calendar, we begin to choose different paradigms. CHIRON will no longer be a perpetual wound. We can heal and move on. The PART OF FORTUNE comes into play, being conjunct to both CHIRON and the FULL MOON. It is a moment of added fortune. Perhaps we can successfully turn the tide of repeating personal and collective wounds now.
Aries plays a part here. The youthful, sheer enthusiasm of Aries can be helpful if its best traits are used. Initiative and innovation can really help us now. The faith and hope of youth is present here at the first zodiac sign. Can we find the “faith of a mustard seed?”
The SUN/MOON is along the Libra/Aries axis. This compares the individual against the collective. An ideal balance is sought. The Sun in Libra asks youthful, enthusiastic Aries to consider the big picture - to choose win/win scenarios. The Cardinal Grand Cross pushes the envelope. Will you do it, or retreat into the old ways because they are familiar, even if they are not comfortable.
Do not be alarmed because you have a great deal of positive assistance available this FULL MOON. There are also a multitude of beneficial aspects present : 3 Kite Formations, multiple Grand Trines, and a Hexagon around/within the perimeter of the circle. Collectively they include:
Asteroid VESTA
Asteroid APOLLO
I won't take you through all the alignments. It will make you dizzy! Suffice it to say that the planets are arranged beautifully for your benefit, if you are willing to receive. You are supported!
May you find courage and grace to choose well.
(October 17 - 31)
VENUS moves into Sagittarius on 10/17 until 11/11. This placement is free wheeling, exuberant, and focused in the present. It is exciting and expansive, with the long vision associated with Sagittarius being expressed in the sensual, seductive persona of VENUS. She is delicious, whether in female or male personalities.
All that expansive influence will get a definite boost on, and around 11/9 when VENUS is directly conjunct the super massive black hole of the Milky Way Galaxy at 27° Sagittarius. This is a window to universal wisdom and foresight. The inherent beauty found with VENUS may give you much new initiative. While generally a positive placement, there is one caution - pause a bit before taking action, because this energy can be a bit reckless.
The SUN moves into Scorpio on 10/22 at 6:14 pm EST. This is has long been considered the most intense placement. Scorpio is all in, one way or the other. If well chosen, the extremes of Scorpio can be very helpful in breaking up stagnation and old patterns.
Emotional strength, passion, and a willingness to take action are markers for Scorpio energy.
In America it is an energy that always accompanies our elections - and they are usually quite intense, now more than ever.
This year's transit has asteroids Juno and Eros in Scorpio as well through much of the interval. Both of these asteroids add some additional strife to relationships. In addition, the recent eclipse cycle was heavily concentrated around balance in relationships. If yours are already balanced well, then you will have a smoother passage. But if you are experiencing imbalances then the solar Scorpio passage may serve to break up the patterns. I hope we all get through this volatile time easily, but it may not work out that way, so be prepared. Be ready to use methods that bring you comfort if the intensity becomes too strong.
Scorpio is a water element. That might be of assistance when and if emotions run too strong. The water element can smooth the way. I think it might help very much to utilize the water element to calm the nervous system and electrical energy at this time. Use your imagination freely if that helps you. For example, if you can't get to water easily, then imagine yourself there as vividly as you can. Be creative.
Asteroid VESTA moves into Libra on 10/27 until 1/2/25. This is a fantastic transit at this moment. VESTA is the location of the sacred. Libra is strongly focused on balance, fairness, and justice. I think we would all do very well to concentrate on that sacred flame right now, and remember that it's true location is in your own heart center - with you always!
By the time we connect again America will be just days from a very important decision. I urge you again to utilize whatever methods bring you comfort and calm, as long as they aren't harmful.
This time may be challenging for us. May we all find our Godspeed.