(November 16 - 30)
Some of you may have successfully risen above the fray this week, while others may find yourselves having significant challenges to your serenity. If that is the case, be compassionate with your need to have feelings and thoughts about it. I definitely do. I am also aware that denying those feelings will just bury them and they will arise at another time. We all know the importance of our role as holders of light. So if, like me, you find your mastery challenged, where can you find assistance to stabilize our energy field within the astrological and astronomical realm?
Fortunately there is a grand, beautiful visual every evening right now. As the sky is growing dark our two most benefic planets, VENUS and JUPITER are highly visible in the sky. VENUS is shining brightly in the west as our “evening star.” JUPITER is holding space for us on the eastern horizon at the same time. If you wish, you can meditate on our two most positive planets and ask any and all beings of light and love to come to your aid through the light of the two planets.
PLUTO moves into Aquarius on 11/19 until 2044. This is only the beginning of a great expected change. Many are kicking and screaming at some of those changes, or absolutely refusing to move along with them. We may have to navigate through much shuffling back and forth in ourselves and society until this very new energy stabilizes. It may help to concentrate on the transformational and altruistic qualities of Pluto in Aquarius to help you along this new path. We will have much to say about Pluto in the months and years to come.
The SUN moves into Sagittarius on 11/21. It is the corridor in the sky that hosts the Galactic Center, the supermassive black hole in the Milky Way Galaxy. Not many planets or asteroids have been in this sector in recent months, but now we begin a time over the coming weeks and months when many of the faster moving planets will be passing by this corridor, which is both space and time. We can only guess at what new energies will be picked up during these transits.
Here are some associations with SAGITTARIUS from “Astrology for Beginners” by William W. Hewitt, 1994, page53:
Qualities: mutable (adaptable) fire sign
Key Phrase: I SEE!
Key Word: freedom
Virtue: Hopefulness
Defect: non-discriminating
Rulership: 9th house
Ruling planet: JUPITER Exalted: South Node
Sagittarius is far seeing, philosophical, and often at the cutting edge of new ideas. Curiosity as well as a certain nobility is also present. Inventions are favored here.
So personally, you might entertain expansive ideas connected with your particular gifts giving you a sign toward a new path forward.
MERCURY begins its next retrograde cycle on 11/25 until 12/18 in Sagittarius. During this interval you may get huge amounts of expansive thought, but have difficulty expressing them clearly. There may seem to be a scattered quality to thoughts and utterances that are actually very far reaching. Implementation might best be held until MERCURY completes its retrograde and moves on to Capricorn.
Asteroid PALLAS passes the Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius on 11/24 and 11/25. PALLAS possesses keen strategic intelligence. As she passes this degree she will have new information for us from deep space and multidimensionality. PALLAS represents a person's independent spirit, which matches up very well with the same qualities in Sagittarius. Humanity is on a journey toward balance and unity. While we outwardly appear to be far from that goal, you can find this unity within. Be open to the most intelligent and creative way to achieve this balance within and PALLAS can help you expand it outward in the best way. This will coordinate with your particular strengths and gifts.
PALLAS next moves into Capricorn on 11/30 until 2/16/25. Here is where all the expansive ideas gained while in Sagittarius may find a patient, methodical transference into the physical realm. In Capricorn the ideas and plans can be applied over a longer time.
May we all find balance, love, and light.