Mystical Reflections Spirit Fest

Mystical Reflections Spirit Fest

September 7, 2024 at 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Spiral Binder


Southside Mall, Community Events Room
5006 State Hwy 23
Oneonta, NY 13820
Spiral Binder

Approx Length:

3 hours

Event Type:

Special Event Category: Special Event

Main Host:

ISD Oneonta

WHEN: Saturday, September 7th, 2024

WHERE: Southside Mall Community Room, Oneonta, NY

The fall is a natural time for new beginnings, for “going back to school”,  for stepping into new routines that get you on track to fulfilling goals and intentions.
A nice time to check in with a psychic advisor, Tried & True, the real deal from the Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta.
Only $30 for 25 minutes, or $25 for ISD Members.

~~ Enjoy a day out, shopping & lunch at the Southside Mall, then stop by for your reading!

READERS are Diana Friedell, Renee Ranke, Story Ducey, & Kimberly Winsor, Melissa Lavin, - CLICK on THEIR NAME for info about your reader!


ALSO- Practice Readings & Healings by Donation, walk-ins only- 

Karin Murphy (Reiki Energy Healing);  Marian Burke (Psychic Readings)
Students in the Intuitive Practitioner and Healing Certificate Program are offering sessions by donation in return for your feedback on the ISD Feedback form, as part of their required number of practice sessions to complete their program.

What others say about their readings:

“Very thought provoking and emotional.  I will be thinking about this for some time.  Thank You.,”  CM, Milford NY – 11/30/21

“Lovely reading… very empathic, felt connected to my reader.  Got so much right about me, wow! ” KB, NY, NY, 8/10/21

“It was amazing to be able to feel a connection to my Grandma as well as hear that I’m being looked after in my current situations.” – CP, Ridgeland, SC, 10/15/21"


Diana Friedell giving a Psychic Reading



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    Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
    The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
    Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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