All Posts by: ISD Oneonta 

February 29, 2024
ISD Newsletter 02/29/24

MERCURY is very happy in Aries. Keen intellect finds youthful fire. It is a potent combination that bodes well for new creation. Perhaps you've had a dream rattling around in the attic waiting for just the right boost to help it flower. MERCURY will be in Pisces when both the Lunar Eclipse on 3/25, and the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse on 4/08 come around. Think of the possibilities. This transit is particularly long since the year's first Mercury retrograde happens while it is in Pisces.

February 15, 2024
ISD Newsletter 02/15/24

This next 4 weeks will be a good time to give attention to, and/or initiate any dreams you have been meaning to create. The more mystical and esoteric they seem the more the energies will support you. Saturn is present to bring order and structure to things that seem out of the ordinary. Soon to follow are 2 Eclipses in March and April while the Sun and Moon are in Aries, the renewal of another cycle. Now is the time to feel and receive from a fuller realm of possibility. The Solar flares are peaking in 2024.

January 18, 2024
ISD Newsletter 01/18/24

The study of several texts, as well as oral indigenous traditions, mentions a connection between the photon belt, Pleiadian star Alcyone, and the Mayan Long Count calendar.

Science calls this photon belt the “Rings of Alcyone.” This is the observation that our Solar System revolves around the central sun of the Pleiadian constellation, the star Alcyone. This procession takes approximately 26,000 years and we pass through the belt every 13,000 years. This is also found in the form of the Mayan Long Count. (There are discrepancies in the length of years, but not in the “Rings of Alcyone's” existence.)

Some believe we crossed into the edge of the photon belt as early as 1993, all agree that we passed fully into the belt by 2012.

January 4, 2024
ISD Newsletter 01/04/24

Next up in a month full of delights is the NEW MOON in Capricorn on 1/11. The Grand Trine that is active is now joined with the qualities of any New Moon; new beginnings, new dreams, old dreams becoming more tangible, etc. This has another powerful partner. There is a huge STELLIUM of planets/asteroids in Capricorn this entire week. It begins with the familiar planets; Sun, Moon, Mars, and Pluto. Added to this are asteroids; Psyche, Pholus, and Cupido. MERCURY is directly conjunct the Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius on this day, bringing the most uplifting messages from Deep Space.

December 30, 2023
ISD Newsletter 12/30/23

Meditation allows us to still our busy thoughts, reduce stress, heal our physical bodies, and get answers from our spirit guides & loved ones in spirit. A vital piece of opening & harnessing your intuitive abilities. This three-part class looks at the art, the history, the science, and the magic of meditation from three unique perspectives. Learn to drop into meditation easily w/ISD Faculty, Diana, Renee & Story. If you've taken this before and want to renew your meditation and intuitive practice, this is a good place to start. Review for half price! This course is required for the Intuitive Practitioner Certificate Program, however, there is no need to be enrolled in that program to take this class.

December 14, 2023
ISD Newsletter 12/14/23

The last week in December will be busy astrologically.

There is a FULL MOON in Cancer on 12/26 at 7:33 pm EST. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so this is a stronger than usual Full Moon. Emotion, intuition, family connections (biological and family of choice) will be highlighted.

Another very strong influence on this day will be Mercury and Mars conjunct very near the Galactic Center in Sagittarius.

December 3, 2023
ISD Newsletter 12/01/23

Don't Forget the ISD Holiday Gathering!
WHEN: December 17th, 12-2pm, following the Metaphysical Service.
WHERE: ISD Lotus Center Headquarters, 124 Co. Hwy 58, Oneonta
BRING: a Wrapped Gift for each person wanting to participate
in the "Thieving Santa" gift exchange!

November 17, 2023
ISD Newsletter 11/16/23

ISD is a spiritual community that focuses on healing and intuitive connection, and the joy of finding the spirit connection within rather than being told how it should or could be experienced.

We welcome those who want to belong to a spiritual group of like-minded people, in which you can explore and find your own path in a community of love and support.

There are classes, services, events, and a sense of community and fellowship. Energy healing and intuitive messages are delivered as a regular part of the worship service. Classes offer many tools which will help you on your life path, and the community we are creating together is one of openness and acceptance, and the ability to adapt with change and growth.
Welcome Home!!!

November 2, 2023
ISD Newsletter 11/02/23

VENUS moves into Libra on 11/8 until 12/4. This is Venus' happy place! She rules Libra, which simply means that this is, perhaps, the best place for both the sign and the planet to express their attributes. Libra loves balance, justice, refinement, harmony, and beauty. Venus is our sister planet, our morning and evening star. Except for the Sun and Moon, she is the brightest light in our sky. She can be seen even in urban areas where ambient light overpowers starlight. Goddess light and beauty, grace, and abundance are associated with Venus. This combination can show us how this can be universally true for everyone.

October 14, 2023
ISD Newsletter, 10/12/23

Is the wind of your life changing directions? At a crossroads? Consult a tried and true ISD Psychic Medium, during this magical Halloween time, while the veil is thin, to see what your spirit guides & departed loved ones are trying to show you that would help you with your life path.

Author Bio:

We are a Metaphysical Church that honors and celebrates each soul. Our community provides an unconditionally loving and healing environment that affirms and encourages all seekers on their spiritual journey. Our Vision: We believe that all great religions and philosophies contain within them the spark of truth and wisdom that can inspire within us a more complete understanding of our place in the universe. Aided by this belief, we seek to provide a supportive environment through Sunday services, spiritual healing, fellowship and education.
More About Author
Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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