Recent ISD Newsletters

November 17, 2023
ISD Newsletter 11/16/23

ISD is a spiritual community that focuses on healing and intuitive connection, and the joy of finding the spirit connection within rather than being told how it should or could be experienced.

We welcome those who want to belong to a spiritual group of like-minded people, in which you can explore and find your own path in a community of love and support.

There are classes, services, events, and a sense of community and fellowship. Energy healing and intuitive messages are delivered as a regular part of the worship service. Classes offer many tools which will help you on your life path, and the community we are creating together is one of openness and acceptance, and the ability to adapt with change and growth.
Welcome Home!!!

November 2, 2023
ISD Newsletter 11/02/23

VENUS moves into Libra on 11/8 until 12/4. This is Venus' happy place! She rules Libra, which simply means that this is, perhaps, the best place for both the sign and the planet to express their attributes. Libra loves balance, justice, refinement, harmony, and beauty. Venus is our sister planet, our morning and evening star. Except for the Sun and Moon, she is the brightest light in our sky. She can be seen even in urban areas where ambient light overpowers starlight. Goddess light and beauty, grace, and abundance are associated with Venus. This combination can show us how this can be universally true for everyone.

October 14, 2023
ISD Newsletter, 10/12/23

Is the wind of your life changing directions? At a crossroads? Consult a tried and true ISD Psychic Medium, during this magical Halloween time, while the veil is thin, to see what your spirit guides & departed loved ones are trying to show you that would help you with your life path.

September 29, 2023
ISD Newsletter 09/28/23

Join Rev. Amanda Hoover for a mission critical journey into Self-Care for Lightworkers and Healthcare workers. Energetic and practical self-care requires taking responsibility for our own well-being, and in return, being able to better serve our community. This ZOOM only course provides recommended therapeutic self-care for lightworkers & healers.

3 Sunday Series from 12-2pm
October 8th,
Jan. 14th
January 21, 2024

September 15, 2023
ISD Newsletter 09/14/23

From medicine man to priest-healers, JoAnn introduces us to colorful spiritual healers, healing cults & their methods & beliefs about healing, through pre-historic times to ancient Greece. In Part II, Diana reviews research that proves the existence of the energy body & the efficacy of energy healing, + which hospitals offer it as a treatment modality.

September 1, 2023
ISD Newsletter 08/28/23

Check out our September 2023 events calendar for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook, to see our events, guided meditations and homilies posted there.

August 17, 2023
ISD Newsletter 08/17/23

The SUN moves into Virgo on 8/23. Virgo is an Earth sign associated with wheat and the harvest. Roots to mother Earth are important. It is also traditionally associated with great attention to detail. Organizational skills and interests are heightened. Virgo loves to do things really well. This might be an excellent time to utilize an innate curiosity that also accompanies Virgo energy. Virgo is drawn to wisdom and loves to make sense out of chaos.

August 3, 2023
ISD Newsletter 08/03/23


Each year from late July to mid August there is a powerful line up of celestial bodies while the Sun is in Leo. This lines up Earth, the Sun, the Dog Star Sirius, and Orion's Belt to form a powerful portal that peaks on 8/8. Manifestation is favored and supported. The leadership capabilities of Leo are enhanced by the other spheres allowing us to create from the palette of our most cherished hopes and dreams. Adding to the efficacy is the influence of the numeral 8. The 8 is the infinity symbol turned 90° and stands for abundance and proper use of power. All of these elements combined assist you to be the star of your own creative life.

July 13, 2023
ISD Newsletter, July 13th, 2023

ISD NEWS- ""The Golden Rule: Where did it Go?" Creating your unique Holistic Practice July 13, 2023       Next Metaphysical Service Sunday, July 16th, at 10:00 AM In Person at Lotus Ctr & via Zoom Homily: ""The Golden Rule: Where did it Go?" by Jo Ann Wormuth Emcee: Ally Sutton-Pyle CLICK HERE for ZOOM LINK […]

June 29, 2023
ISD Newsletter, June 29th, 2023

What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?

It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center original founded 40 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy

We stand for each individual’s right to seek their own personal Truth, as they respect the same right for others. We honor the sacred texts of all traditions of the Light.

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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