ISD Newsletter 01/16/25

Author: ISD Oneonta  Published On: Jan-16-2025


January 16th, 2025

Hi Friend!

Welcome to ISD, with new sacred space for all, WELCOME HOME.  Please enjoy perusing our upcoming events, including a message from Sacred Council, Connie's astrology forecast for January, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Namaste. . .

Our Next Spiritual Service

WHEN: Sunday, January 19th at 10am
WHERE: ZOOM or at The NEW Lotus Center
297 River St. Service Road, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820

~Our new location is handicapped accessible~

There is limited parking in the front of the building which is the side that has the elevator. There is plenty of parking in the back of the building but you need to climb a flight of stairs to the second floor entrance to the Lotus Center.  Or park in the back and walk around to the front main entrance.


Homily: by Rev. Renee Ranke

” Is Your Phone Ringing? The Call to Ministry”

 Emcee:  Rev. Diana Friedell

Special Guest Singer: Joe Rossi


 Join us in person or on zoom:

                       Image courtesy of Story Lucile Ducey

Our new and recently decorated Spiritual Service space inside the Lotus Center. So thankful for all the volunteers who helped to design and pull together all the pieces.  

ISD Sacred Counsel Message:

      Our message this week is the urgent plea to stop trying so hard!  We exhaust ourselves running circles and managing details, picking up messes and trying to make things happen. There is infinite expression of love here waiting for you to call on it, just ask! ~ out loud!~  Call on Archangel Raphael with a prayer for whatever healing intervention you need help with. Take that moment then to stop, let go, back away and rest for a while knowing the universe is working it for you.  Pray, ask for help then surrender to the Magic Stream of Life and stand by!  We don't have to do everything!

ISD Membership Renewal. . .

 We are excited about all the possibilities that our new space brings us- we now have the space for yoga and other movement classes, drum circles, artist displays, ?a store?, informal gatherings, all kinds of activities that would enrich individuals on their spiritual path. The possibilities are endless.  What do you envision for ISD's future and your part in it?  Of course to maintain this space, we will need a groundswell of support, both in volunteerism, and funds that will help us pay the rent!  
In keeping with the timeline required from ISD National, our governing organization, we need to complete our membership renewal process in January. Please renew your membership at this link at your earliest convenience and consider if its right for you to raise your pledge this year, given the expanded expenses.  If you are thinking about joining, welcome, and please go to this link for info on membership & to fill out an application for membership.  Only about 10% of us have renewed so far, so hop to it!


If you have a metaphysical, healing or spiritual practice and you are looking for a permanent office of your own, or an office to share with someone, we will have a beautiful sublet available in the next few months.  If your business is in harmony with the principles of ISD Oneonta, please contact a member of the property committee, and lets talk!
- Reply to


We also have 2 beautiful rooms which will be available for practitioners to see their clients from for hourly chunks. It should be ready to use by the beginning of February. What should we call these rooms? Many ideas for names for these very special rooms have been submitted and reviewed by the Property Committee.  On Sunday after the service on January 19th we will vote on the final selections that the Property committee narrowed down to:  For the Lavender Room #1 :  Choice A:   The Healing Room. Choice B:  The Phoenix Room 3. Choice C: The Serenity Room. For the Lavender Room #2:  Choice A: The Reading Room, Choice B: The Owl Room.  You must be present to vote- either on ZOOM or in person!



"Essence Retrieval"

with Facilitators Kimberly Winsor

and Jaya Buckland

WHEN: Saturday, January 18th, 2025

TIME: 10 am - 3pm     


After Church on Sunday, January 19th


The Intenders of the Highest Good, facilitated by Kimberly Winsor, is a free community circle that shows you how to set your intention to have that which you desire come to you as easily and effortlessly as possible. A simple method of empowerment is used called The Intention Process. Did you attend last year?  Come prepared to share any intentions you made last year that came to life!!


A new monthly series starting Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

The mission of integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is to “Heal the world one heart at a time”. In this series of seven transformation workshops, students will be given tools to do just that from activating your 12-strand DNA, to clearing your karma, empowering your heart, and more. The first class is free!


Starting up again weekly Thursday, January 9th from 10am - 11:30am

Every night we time travel through the Cosmos to far away places, meet unusual characters and find ourselves in curious situations that confound our senses. Can we find life guidance and solutions in our dreams? Explore the meaning and messages in your dreams with us! This is a free weekly circle.


Two Sessions January 30th and February 6th. Thursdays 5:30-7 each day

In this class, Rev. Diana reviews the 10 commandments for being a good counselor- and one of them is that everyone who pursues your counsel already has their own right answer, you are only there to help guide them to it.
In these uncertain times, it is important to be prepared when people come to us for guidance.


To see more of what ISD has available click the button below.



This astrology forecast highlights significant celestial events from January 16-31, 2025.

The Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19, emphasizing traits such as independence, innovation, and humanitarianism, while Mercury's transit into Aquarius on January 27 fosters imaginative and agile thinking. A New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, accompanied by a powerful six-planet stellium, invites new beginnings and visionary insights. Uranus stations direct in Taurus on January 29, signaling potential surprises in finances and possessions, as it completes its seven-year transit of this grounded sign.

The 2025 preview emphasizes major shifts as outer planets, including Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter, transition signs, heralding paradigm changes and heightened energy dynamics. These transitions align harmoniously, offering opportunities for growth and transformation amidst the chaos. Staying centered, focused, and hopeful is encouraged to navigate the year’s profound shifts.

For the full report, please visit the link below.

What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?


It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center originally founded 47 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy.


The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.
Welcome Home!!!

Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center.


ISD Oneonta Board of Directors
Kimberly Winsor - President
Jo Ann Wormuth- Vice President
Tom Landon-Secretary
Sali Dellysse - Treasurer
Connie Lull-Trustee
Susan Owens -Trustee
Sherry Barton-Trustee
Jaya Buckland-Trustee
Chantal Doktor-Trustee
Diana Friedell ex-officio
Story Ducey ex-officio

Our ISD Leadership
Diana Friedell - Pastor, Co-Director
Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director
Ministry Training Program
JoAnn Wormuth- Healing
Program Director

Jaya Buckland - Adult Ed Chair
Ally Sutton-Pyle with Diana Friedell and Kimberly Winsor - Newsletter
 Tami Barrows- Tech/Admin Assistant
Amy Gallop- Social Media



Thank you for being a part of the ISD community,

Co-Directors: Pastor Rev. Diana Friedell and Rev. Story Lucile Ducey

Kimberly Winsor: President at ISD Oneonta.

Get in touch

Rev. Diana Friedell, Pastor, 607-433-2089

297 River St. Service Road, Suite 3

ISD Lotus Center Landline: (607) 353-7001‬

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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