(January 16 - 31)
The SUN moves into Aquarius on 1/19. This sign takes on a greater magnitude at this time in human history than in times past. We are in the early years of the Aquarian Age, so consider the Sun's yearly transit of this sign a preview. Let us review the Aquarian traits from “Astrology for Beginners” by William Hewitt, 1994, pages 55-56:
Aquarius is a fixed, Air sign that is ruled by Uranus.
Traits include:
Independence, eccentricity, humanitarian interests, “expansive” thinking and sight, friendship, honesty, hard working, loyalty, and devotion.
Aquarians can be among the most rebellious of the zodiac, and while they are quite devoted to humanitarian issues, this comes with a sense of detachment. An Aquarian will have many ideas about how to do things better, but they are less likely to be the ones to implement the detailed plans. They will remain loyal to a position, but not necessarily the follow through. That is where they waver from the normal expression of the fixed signs. Where they do show this attribute is in loyalty and devotion, both qualities being at a high level.
An Aquarian is likely to concentrate on paradigm changing ideas, rather than have any real interest in life's details. While the Sun, and any other planet transits Aquarius you may entertain some expansive thoughts and dreams. The rulership of Uranus will possibly add sudden, surprising developments to the mix. Changes in habit and methods of operation are more likely under this combination.
The Fixed signs are the location of the cross quarter days in the Druid and Celtics
traditions. They are the midpoint days between the seasons, and are also called the “Divine Avatar Gates.” These portals at 15° of the fixed signs; Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio are considered to be powerful corridors into the cosmic multidimensionality.
Therefore, perhaps the best way to think of any transits and/or aspects involving Aquarius is to expect the unexpected, usually in an upward, visionary direction.
1/27 - MERCURY moves into Aquarius until 2/14. Mercury functions very well in Aquarius with agile, imaginative thinking and expression being highly likely. You may find your mind racing with more thoughts than you can process, or you may experience a very strong focus on some innovative new idea. In either case this is usually an uplifting interval that will launch you into the new year with your mental processes humming. For the best results take care to concentrate on what you want, rather than what you don't want.
1/29 - The NEW MOON is in Aquarius at 7:36 am EST. Any New Moon is conducive to growth and new beginnings, this one in particular, because there is a 6-way stellium of planets, asteroids, and points in Aquarius on this day. They are:
This line up will have the flavor of imagination, innovation, power to the masses, altruism, and soul level wisdom. The best way to benefit is to avoid striving for results. Be receptive and invite the soul whispers into your perception. I think you may also want to pay particular attention to your dreams around this time.
1/29 - URANUS stations direct in Taurus for its final 5 months of a seven year transit of Taurus. Taurus areas of influence are; personal possessions, arts, things of beauty and grace, slow/steady accumulation of possessions, and strong connections with the Earth. Uranus is the opposite of slow and steady, so as this planet of revolution leaves this sign of steady, solid growth we might expect some surprises between now and July.
The 3rd decanate of Taurus will be what Uranus transits between now and July. It has a keyword of “determination.” The constellation is “Perseus” the hero. It is indicative of the heroic journey and victory.
There may be some surprises in the financial sector, the collective money systems, and your personal possessions. The mind often assumes this to mean increases, but this might go in either direction.
One area that comes to mind that matches Uranus’ unusual flavor, while melding with Taurus energy, is a healthy downsizing in the volume of your “things.” Many of us have spent a long time accumulating possessions. A Uranus/Taurus twist might be to evaluate which of those things have real value, both monetary and sentimental, and then make a decision to discard or donate the excess. In an esoteric type of way this can be a Uranus influence that creates a “the less I have, the more I gain” result.
The same can hold true for memories. You might make a decision to discard those whose lesson and meaning have been understood. As you are able to leave behind the memories of past creations that no longer serve you, you make room for new experiences. Lovingly, and with respect, deliver these creations into the loving embrace of the Akashic records. That would be another Uranian angle to Taurus.
In all cases, the way to gain the most from the sudden surprises that Uranus can bring is to find a deep level of faith and hope that your soul and the universe is guiding you well.
My research for this compilation revealed quite a bit of variety in thought among astrologists about 2025. One thing they all seem to agree on is that there will be much swinging back and forth of energy and reaction by the collective, like waves in a bathtub, largely because of the movement of the outer planets throughout the year and continuing into 2026. One thing I feel confident in saying is that it will be critical to choose which of the waves of consciousness you entrain to in 2025; the masses, or soul and cosmic forces? That which makes you feel hopeful and in control, or the alternative?
3/15 to 4/07 - Aries to Pisces
7/18 to 8/11 - Leo
11/9 to 11/29 - Sagittarius to Scorpio
All the Fire signs host a retrograde this year, with the March and November Rx's moving
back into Water signs. The Fire element will add extra creativity to these intervals in 2025.
Total Lunar 3/14 in Virgo
Partial Solar 3/29 in Aries
Total Lunar 9/7 in Pisces
Partial Solar. 9/21 in Virgo
The definitive theme to 2025 is the energies created by the movements of the Outer Planets and the North Node. The Outer planets have large orbits. They tend to influence entire generations and cultures, since so many people share the same sign placements in their birth charts. The following is the approximate number of years each outer planet stays in any sign:
Jupiter - 1 year
Saturn - 2 years, 4 months
North Node - 1year, 6 months
Uranus- 7 years
Neptune - 14 years
Pluto - 20 years
Beginning with PLUTO in late November 2024, every outer planet changes signs in just 8 month's time. Add the Moon's Nodes to that mix and you have a very rare series of events.
PLUTO into Aquarius in Nov 2025
NORTH NODE into Pisces in Jan 25
NEPTUNE into Aries in Mar 25
SATURN into Aries in May 25
JUPITER into Cancer in Jun 25
URANUS into Gemini in July 25
There are a few more patterns to these sign changes this year. Some of these planets cross back into the previous sign during retrograde motions; SATURN, URANUS, and NEPTUNE. All of them cross both the anaretic degree (29°) and the (0°) of the next sign, some of them twice. These are powerful degree placements. The 29th, or “fate degree,” is considered to be the culmination of all of each signs traits. The 0° is the cusp, or threshold of each sign where there is a fresh start with all of that sign's attributes available in their full potential during the transit.
The shifting energies I mentioned will be prevalent because not only are the signs shifting, but also the elements and the triplicities. The elements will make a shift from more earth and water to air and fire. The modes of expression Fixed, Cardinal, and Mutable will also have more than the usual shifts, again because of the high movement of planets throughout the year.
Another phenomenon will take place in the Spring. There will be direct conjunctions at 29° Pisces and 0° Aries between multiple planets and the North Node. This “Aries Point” is the true beginning of each zodiac cycle. This will create more than the usual potential for paradigm changes, both personal and universal.
All of these waves of energy will be challenging to navigate if you are not able to stay centered in your heart. Discernment and detachment from any resulting chaos will serve you well. Try to surf the waves…
I want to end on a very positive note: Noted astrologist, Rick Levine, has pointed out that all the planets from JUPITER outward are changing signs while in harmonious aspects to each other - trine or sextile. This has not happened for over 3,000 years! That will surely aid our transitions. May we all find our Grace and Godspeed.