February 1st is IMBOLC in the Northern Hemisphere. It is one of the cross-quarter days that fall in the middle of the equinoxes and solstices. This day marks the beginning of Spring in the pagan traditions that celebrate it, most notedly, the Celtics. Fertility of plants and animals, the growing light of approaching Spring, the movement of sap in the trees, the 3 fold flame, and healing, are all part of this celebration. The goddess Brigid is associated with this celebration. I invite you to mark this day in whatever way means “SPRING" to you. Even though we have more days of Winter left, everyday the Sun's strength increases and the daylight grows longer.
(February 1 - 6)
February is a very busy month in our skies, with VENUS, URANUS, several sign changes, and a multi-planet conjunction in late Pisces all playing major roles.
An important conjunction between VENUS, NEPTUNE and the Moon's NORTH NODE is already in play, with its peak happening on 2/07. As mentioned last month, the NORTH NODE moving into Pisces last month creates a significant opportunity to accomplish some of your life's hopes and aspirations with the expansive, mystical, dreamy qualities of Pisces . Now we can discuss another boost to that combination. That is NEPTUNE and VENUS in close proximity to the NORTH NODE.
Let us review: The Nodes of the Moon are not physical bodies, but are measurements of the places where the Moon's orbit crosses the Earth's plane, which is called the ecliptic. This axis is always where the Solar/Lunar eclipses happen. They are always very powerful events. The Moon's Nodes are assigned more qualities as well. The South Node is where we can find our soul attributes, places where we have achieved mastery in other incarnations. It is also where we get a hint at places we are hoping to improve in this lifetime. The North Node is what we hope to accomplish and the soul growth we hope to achieve.
Conjunctions are among the most powerful aspects that planets, asteroids, and points can make to each other. Traditionally, the traits of each participant were thought to either mutually enhance one another, or be in conflict, and therefore mute the traits of all those involved. I think we might consider that a conjunction that seems to be in conflict might instead be thought of as balancing the energies, with a win/win result being possible.
The conjunction between NEPTUNE and the NORTH NODE is of long duration, having crossed into the arc of efficacy last year around October 15th, and remaining in that arc until May 15th of this year. The peak strength, when they are exactly conjunct, is on 2/07. VENUS joins this arc from 1/23/25 until 2/13/25. The North Node, Venus, and Neptune in late Pisces is a 4 way dynamo as far as mutually beneficial possibilities are concerned. NEPTUNE rules Pisces and Venus is exalted in Pisces. All 3 planets and Pisces are considered to be female in nature. There is no better placement than that to enhance a mutually receptive opportunity. Everything that is dreamy, mysterious, multidimensional, gracious, and beautiful can take root in your energy field with this potent conjunction.
This is the place to discuss personal reality and how it can relate to the collective consciousness. Lightworkers and Wayshowers know that we are all one, yet there is a critical importance to being true to your own knowing and current understanding without getting caught up in the energy of the collective. It is that concept of, “being in this world, but not of it.” World events, conspiracy theories, politics, and social media want our full attention, and hopefully all our energy. There may be distinct differences in how people respond to these energies. The existing gulf may very well widen.
This very powerful conjunction is a potential tool for you to use over several months during this volatile time. The arc of conjunction is going to be joined at various times by the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Saturn over half a year's duration. I think you might concentrate many meditations on this phenomenon and I also suggest placing the energies in your high heart, or heart center.
This continuing phenomenon is the Universe whispering, “Yes you can.” It will be something unique to each of us, according to our gifts. Please treasure and have utmost faith in the value of your particular piece of the puzzle!
URANUS resumed its direct motion in Taurus on 1 /29. It will be stationary at 23°16’ from 1/25 until 2/05. This planet is known for shaking things up, sometimes very suddenly. This time when it seems entirely motionless from our point of view is very potent and could precipitate some significant events, both worldwide and personal. If that happens try to stay centered and calm. Rash action is not advised in most cases. Allow the waves of energy to settle somewhat if you can. One positive note here is that URANUS is currently SEXTILE to the previously discussed multi-conjunction of Venus, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces. A sextile is a beneficial aspect, so we may just as easily expect a positive series of events as negative ones. In addition, any unfortunate developments might just be thought of as necessary steps to a better outcome for the greater good. URANUS will also have a major influence on the 2/12 Full Moon. The energies will potentially stir up our nervous systems. Utilize any and all methods that have proven to have a calming effect on you.
JUPITER resumes direct motion in Gemini on 2/04. The muting of Jupiter's great luck will end with its forward motion. This will be the final 4 months of Jupiter's transit in Gemini before moving into Cancer on 6/09. We will review, and wrap up Jupiter's transit of Gemini in future columns.
On 2/04 VENUS crosses from Pisces into Aries. The cusp between Aries and Pisces, or 0° Aries, is called the “Aries Point.” It is the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, when the SUN crosses this point, and is also the beginning of a new cycle around the Zodiac. When any planet, asteroid, or point crosses this threshold a new beginning is initiated.
VENUS is not as comfortable in Aries as she is in the signs either side of it, Pisces and Taurus. Aries' dynamic, action oriented demeanor can clash with VENUS’ love of beauty and grace. However, one can best use the youthful, aggressive Aries actions in areas where there is passion and enthusiasm where VENUS can use her charm and grace to give a positive slant to the dynamic action.
VENUS begins a very interesting series of motions now that have her taking the spotlight for awhile. We will discuss the VENUS transits further next time. Until then may all these wonderful potentials help you see the light of a new dawn for humanity.
(February 7 - 15)
VENUS begins an interesting series of motions that will take place over several weeks. She plays a powerful role this first part of 2025. As stated before, she crosses the Aries Point on 2/04. The new cycle that is triggered may very well find feminine energy growing in response to the continuing rise of the Divine Feminine, and as a counteracting agent to a very long time of suppression in most, if not all, Earth cultures.
Victor Hugo was quoted as saying,”Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.”
The combined feminine energy of the continuing conjunctions of NEPTUNE, NORTH NODE, VENUS, SATURN, and for short intervals, the SUN, MOON, and MERCURY in Pisces this next few months is just the kind of boost that the feminine/goddess principle can use to initiate a whole new paradigm on Earth. In addition, if you add some of the asteroids to the wheel, we also find ISIS and PSYCHE to be in close conjunction in late Pisces to the above named planets.. There seems to have been setbacks across the world toward aggression, violence, and the erosion of rights, but it is entirely possible that it is just the last struggles of a dying pattern whose energies are not going to hold form forever.
These conjunctions whisper to all of us that there is a better way. You will experience much communication with your soul facilitated by the planetary dance. As I will explain in even more detail below, the feminine principle is very strong!
VENUS will begin retrograde motion toward the end of March that will have her recrossing the Aries Point to bring her back into Pisces. There she will rejoin the conjunction with NEPTUNE, the NORTH NODE, ISIS, PSYCHE, and SATURN. She will dwell in Pisces, where she is exalted, for twice as long as usual in any given year, before once again crossing that Aries Point, for the 3rd time in just under 3 months. She will have an unprecedented opportunity to awaken all the grace and elegance that humanity is capable of. May we be up to the task!
2/12 - The FULL MOON is in Leo at 8:53 am EST. There has been much written about this lunation. It is expected to be intense because it involves a T-square formed between 4 planets, one of which is the rebellious, explosive URANUS.
Here is the layout:
SUN and MERCURY are conjunct in Aquarius
MOON is opposite in Leo
URANUS is square to all of them, forming a right triangle in the sky.
Now, you have the Sun and Mercury in relative comfort in Aquarius. But you have the Moon opposite in Leo, which can be an uncomfortable combination. The Moon prefers a softer approach than Leo generally likes. Forming the rest of the challenging T-square is Uranus in an attention grabbing square to all of them in Taurus.
The themes are likely to revolve around leadership (Leo), Altruism (Aquarius), and the resources and money of the masses (Taurus).
URANUS, whose role seems to be shaking things up, may throw a big monkey wrench into the wheels of the financial systems and the power to control everything that Leo craves. Something about the proper use of power is quite likely to be questioned. Aquarius very much wants what is good for the masses to prevail. The Sun and Mercury may influence what is communicated and how much truth and integrity are involved.
This FULL MOON is expected to affect our nervous systems, so care should be taken to stay calm, utilize methods you find comforting, and try not to make sudden decisions without time for the energies to settle.
2/16 - MERCURY will move into Pisces until 3/03. Thus it will join the stellium of SATURN, NEPTUNE, NORTH NODE, ISIS, and PSYCHE. I did not read this anywhere in the research, but I have a strong sense that with so many planets and asteroids in Pisces there will be tremendously strong psychic transmissions, and it will not surprise me if individuals who normally never discuss such things have psychic and dream communications far beyond what has been experienced before. MERCURY is our communications planet, and in Pisces that messaging is always much more likely to be of a nature that is far more expansive than the usual 3D perceptions.
2/16 - Asteroid PALLAS moves into Aquarius in close conjunction with PLUTO. She joins a stellium of the Sun, Pluto, and asteroids Persephone, Ceres, Sappho, and Chariklo. That's 7 planets and asteroids - most of them with feminine power!
PALLAS will be in Aquarius for 11+ months, until 1/24/26. She is a powerful strategic thinker. She will show you where you are born to take charge, and also where your power and sovereignty may have been dulled. This may not be power over others, but over the self. PALLAS can show you how to be your own leader, and in Aquarius that is going to come through with an altruistic slant. She will help you find win/win solutions.
Finally, in all the research of these incredible alignments for early 2025, something jumped out at me and the more I looked the more encouraging it became. That is the addition of many female energy asteroids, most of which are joining the stelliums of planets and points in Aquarius and Pisces. Let me list them for you:
PALLAS - strategic thinking
PERSEPHONE - autonomy, cycles, choice being taken from you and how you reclaim your will, (sound like anything that has happened lately?)
SAPPHO - solidarity outside of the normal social order
CERES - Motherhood, seasons of life, nurturing, agriculture
CHARIKLO - 6 pointed star pattern on night of discovery. Creation, miracles, divination, protection, destiny, grace, healing, compassion. She is the divine compliment of asteroid Chiron.
PSYCHE - switching sex roles, who or what will you take a great leap for, and will you take as great a leap for yourself?
ISIS - motherhood, nurturing, healing, protection, deep feminine power, transformation, and the ability to bring life back from death.
All of these feminine powers are lined up in a bundle formation in Aquarius and Pisces. A bundle is the rarest of planetary formations and is characterized as being concerned with a narrow focus. In addition, there are more asteroids lined up in the western hemisphere of the chart which represents the impact of the world on a person.
I can interpret this two ways. The first is that the world is due to be influenced HEAVILY by its women. The second is that sometimes the individuals or groups can and do claim their sovereignty and refuse to be driven by the collective consciousness- therefore changing it - like the ripple of a stone thrown into a pond.
So, with all of these incredible alignments that I have discussed for the near future let us all utilize them to find our Godspeed and to be the ones we have been waiting for!