All Posts by: Connie Lull 

January 29, 2025
February 1 - 16 Astro Forecast, 2025

The astrology report highlights February as a significant month with major planetary movements, including Venus, Uranus, and a powerful multi-planet conjunction in Pisces. The Venus-Neptune-North Node alignment, peaking on February 7, encourages personal and collective spiritual growth, emphasizing dreams, intuition, and feminine energy. Uranus, resuming direct motion in Taurus, brings sudden shifts, while Jupiter turning direct in Gemini on February 4 signals a return of expansive energy. The Full Moon in Leo on February 12 forms a tense T-square with Uranus, influencing leadership, altruism, and financial matters, potentially triggering emotional and societal shifts. A strong emphasis on feminine asteroids in Aquarius and Pisces suggests a rising influence of feminine power, intuition, and transformation, shaping the global consciousness in early 2025.

January 15, 2025
January 16 - 31 Astro Forecast, 2025

This astrology forecast highlights significant celestial events from January 16-31, 2025. The Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19, emphasizing traits such as independence, innovation, and humanitarianism, while Mercury's transit into Aquarius on January 27 fosters imaginative and agile thinking. A New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, accompanied by a powerful six-planet stellium, invites new beginnings and visionary insights. Uranus stations direct in Taurus on January 29, signaling potential surprises in finances and possessions, as it completes its seven-year transit of this grounded sign.

The 2025 preview emphasizes major shifts as outer planets, including Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter, transition signs, heralding paradigm changes and heightened energy dynamics. These transitions align harmoniously, offering opportunities for growth and transformation amidst the chaos. Staying centered, focused, and hopeful is encouraged to navigate the year’s profound shifts.

December 31, 2024
Jan 1 - 15 Astrology Forecast, 2025

This week’s astrology forecast explores Capricorn's deeper significance, emphasizing its symbolic Sea Goat—blending practicality with imaginative and magical qualities. Capricorn, along with the other Earth signs, has the potential to not only provide stability but also to act as a conduit for higher consciousness and multidimensional energies, helping to manifest "Heaven on Earth."

Several planetary movements mark the beginning of January. On January 2, Vesta enters Scorpio for an extended 8-month transit, bringing sacred energy to relationships, while Venus moves into Pisces, where it is exalted, enhancing grace, beauty, and the connection to Divine Feminine energy. Mercury's conjunction with the Galactic Center on January 6-7 invites profound cosmic insights, while Mars retrograding into Cancer on January 8 offers opportunities for introspection and rebalancing inner masculine and feminine energies.

December 11, 2024
Dec 16-24 Astrology Forecast, 2024

The upcoming astrological events offer profound opportunities for personal growth, reflection, and planning. Mercury's extended transit through Sagittarius, enhanced by its retrograde phase, encourages visionary thinking and personal insight. This culminates in its alignment with the Galactic Center in early January, signaling cosmic potential for profound understanding and spiritual growth. Similarly, the Sun’s conjunction with the Galactic Center on December 18 emphasizes renewal and heightened awareness, inviting receptivity to unmanifest potential.
12/16 - MERCURY direct in Sagittarius 
12/18 - SUN conjunct Galactic Center 
12/21 - SUN into Capricorn 
12/24 - JUPITER square SATURN 
12/29 - CHIRON direct in Aries 
12/30 - NEW MOON in Capricorn (Black Moon)

November 27, 2024
Dec 1-15 Astrology Forecast, 2024

12/01 - MERCURY retrograde continues.
12/01 - There's a NEW MOON on the 1st in Sagittarius and again on the 31st in Capricorn, making this a “Black Moon” month.
12/06 - MARS retrograde begins in Leo
12/07 - VENUS and CERES move together into Aquarius, with an immediate conjunction to PLUTO. NEPTUNE ends retrograde motion in Pisces.

12/15 - FULL MOON in Gemini

Also, we look at some asteroids not mentioned before that provide assistance with happiness. Join me for further information on the first 2 weeks of December.

November 16, 2024
Nov 16-30 Astrology Forecast, 2024

Between November 16 and 30, astrology highlights a period of both challenges and transformative opportunities. Venus and Jupiter, visible in the night sky, offer inspiration as symbols of positivity, encouraging meditation and reflection. Pluto's move into Aquarius on November 19 marks the start of significant societal and personal shifts, emphasizing transformation and forward-thinking. Sagittarius season begins on November 21, bringing expansive, philosophical energy that may guide new ideas and paths. However, Mercury retrograde from November 25 to December 18 in Sagittarius could bring scattered thoughts, suggesting a pause on major decisions until clarity returns.

November 1, 2024
Nov 1-7, Astrological Forecast, 2024

The first week of November begins with a powerful New Moon in Scorpio, coinciding with the Celtic festival of Samhain, marking a time for transformation and new beginnings. Scorpio's intensity brings heightened emotions and opportunities for passion, compassion, and self-confidence, while also urging mindfulness to avoid extremes. A rare Kite Formation in the sky offers strong cosmic support, involving harmonious alignments between planets that encourage flow, grace, and positive action. Jupiter sextile Chiron on November 2 facilitates deep healing and the release of old wounds, while Mercury's entry into Sagittarius on November 3 sparks expansive thinking and fresh ideas, though implementation may be best postponed. With Pluto nearing the end of its Capricorn transit, this week invites reflection on personal and societal transformation, supported by love, grace, and balance.

Author Bio:

Connie is a lifelong Dairy and Crop farmer who has studied spirituality for 27 years. She has a particular affinity with the natural world. She has been on two pilgrimages to South America and many to Arkansas with Earth-Keeper. Planetary Healing is a significant focus for Connie. Connie currently writes a weekly column for ISD on Astrology and related subjects. Certifications include: ISD certified intuitive reader A.R.E. life reading training Training as a Card Reader Studies with: "Seth" materials, Earth-Keeper, Kryon, Nina Brown, Ronna Herman, Stargate with Prageet Harris.
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The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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