The Sun is in its last weeks in Capricorn. We've discussed the usually accepted traits -
responsibility, realism, caution, an ability and willingness to work very hard, and frugality. By those traits Capricorn is among the strongest signs. However, there is another side to Capricorn, contained within its symbol, the Sea Goat, that adds some rarely explored magical qualities.
The symbol is the torso, neck, and head of a mountain goat with the tail of a fish. This symbolizes a more imaginative side to a workman-like sign. The Sea Goat has several myths in different cultures. The commonality among them is a dual nature. Some associations are:
*Alchemical connection between earth and water
*Initiating new levels of consciousness
*The Tree of Life
*The Wheel of Rebirth
*Creative Life Energy
This greatly expands the usual associations with Capricorn, does it not? Why might the time have come to go far beyond the traditional meaning matched with the zodiac signs?
You've heard me mention these things before. The Aquarian Age, the Milky Way Galaxy's travel into the Photon Belt, the ascension status of the Earth and humanity, and the rapid discovery of additional asteroids, comets, planets, and galaxies. By every measure we are waking up to all new paradigms of existence. It makes perfect sense that our scientific and divination systems should account for that.
Therefore, let us go back to how this applies to Capricorn, and the other Earth signs, Taurus and Virgo. The Earth signs have always been solid, helping us to survive on a dualistic planet in the 3rd dimension. What if they were always meant for something much grander than just survival? What if they can also provide essential grounding and joining with our host planet, our Mother, to bring Heaven on Earth? The Earth signs can provide the necessary conduit energy and pathway for all of the amazing, magical multidimensional qualities we are bringing to the Earth experience.
Therefore, when it comes to workman-like Capricorn, I encourage you to think of the Sea Goat, and if you don't think a goat knows how to have fun, I invite you to watch goat videos on YouTube!
(January 1 - 7)
January begins with a change of sign for asteroid VESTA, and VENUS.
01/02 - Asteroid VESTA moves into Scorpio for a very long transit, due to a retrograde interval that extends its time within the sign. Vesta will be in Scorpio from 01/02/25 - 09/14/25, over 8 months. This is potentially a very good combination.
VESTA indicates where the sacred flame resides in our soul. While in Scorpio, this can combine with the passion inherent to that sign to add a vivid, sacred aspect to all of our relationships. The very long 8+ month transit, that includes a retrograde interval will enable us to greatly improve relationships of all kinds.
01/02 - VENUS moves into Pisces until 02/04 and again from 03/29 - 04/30 during a retrograde cycle. VENUS is exalted in Pisces, making this one of its best sign placements. The intrinsic grace and beauty of Venus goes to a deep level while in Pisces. It is a fantastic match with Pisces’ mystical magic. This time there is an added bonus. Venus is currently Trine Vesta in Scorpio, and will be through 01/13. Trines provide great luck and opportunity. This combination will create a pure and powerful conduit for the Divine Feminine to shower the earth plain with her love.
Now, this is not just for the outside reality. Even more so, it can be applied to the relationship with the self. Use this transit to reacquaint yourself with the beauty of your own soul.
01/06 - Another very significant event happens before MERCURY leaves Sagittarius. It will be in direct conjunction with the Galactic Center and will happen on 1/6 - 1/7. Try to be particularly aware of anything that comes into your consciousness around those days. It is cosmic and soul level information that comes through that black hole portal. When any planet, point, or asteroid passes this marker the potential is extremely high for growth and understanding at a level far beyond our normal understanding in each individual lifetime. Energetically, the effect of “dark matter” is more than conventional science acknowledges or understands. It is the home of pure potential, so much more than just a huge vacuum that sucks up all matter. It is a corridor in a vast series of toroidal forces. There is a profound energetic exchange, available to all who will avail themselves of its wisdom. For each society and individual, it is one of the connections to our soul and star family. MERCURY is particularly adept at all levels of communication. Be alert to the song of your soul and the cosmos. It is trying to remind you of your unique gifts.
01/08 - MARS retrograde motion takes it back into Cancer for 3+ months, until 04/17.
This was what I wrote about the beginning phase of the MARS transit through Cancer last September:
“MARS moved into Cancer until 11/3 last week. There is a bit more to say about this placement. It can be an uncomfortable sign for MARS. Tension in relationships can be an unfortunate result. The aggression that sometimes comes with Mars can also turn inward and create difficulties. This is the interpretation in the old energies.
But now the opportunity exists for something else to gain prominence. The Mars strength and power may be used in a much more constructive way. Protection, where it is appropriate, is favored. Support while someone, including the self, find their own strength is a good use of this Mars /Cancer combination.
Another way to interpret this placement is in its ability to bring balance between the inner masculine and feminine. The perfect relationship of strength and grace may find purchase now.”
Now that MARS is moving backward through Cancer, there are additional adjustments to the energies. We have an opportunity to review where we may have applied power and aggression in a less than ideal way, both with ourselves and others. We can recreate, if we choose, a better way to apply and live with our own power. You may have many changes of heart during this entire time from September 2024 through April 2025. This Mars/Cancer calls for patience and understanding for yourself and everyone around you.
May that patience and understanding help you find your Godspeed.
There are two long term aspects that are currently in play affecting everyone. They are worth further explanation and consideration.
MARS opposite PLUTO began in October 2024, and will be in effect until May 2025. At first glance this could seem daunting, but upon further consideration can be a golden opportunity for advancement both individually and collectively. Normally this transit lasts just 3-4 days, but due to the retrograde, this opposition is exceedingly long. It is an aspect calling for growth by acknowledging the shadow self and ushering it into the light. Tremendous opportunity exists for transformation, because PLUTO is considered the higher octave of MARS.
MARS is ego based and focused on power as it expresses in the physical world. PLUTO encourages us to face the shadows of all our creations, to love them, understand them, and allow growth. The theme of this opposition is use and style of power, the pull between aggressor and victim also is addressed here. There is a potential for a downward spiral here as well, but it doesn't have to be you. With a sustained allowance this growth may provide you with a breakthrough that you have sought for ages!
You are supported by the continuation of the MINOR TRINE, talent triangle, that I have spoken of for months now between PLUTO, URANUS, and NEPTUNE. This is extraordinarily positive and has formed the top of numerous Kite formations throughout 2024. It began in May 2024 and will be present throughout all of 2025.
It helps us bring our talents to fruition. Every positive step we each can make individually contributes to the whole. We cannot necessarily control the decisions of the masses, but we can create our own paths and destiny. This MINOR TRINE aids that endeavor.
(January 8 - 15)
01/08 - MERCURY moves into Capricorn after just passing the Galactic Center on the 6th. Be alert. You may have many new ideas and ways to express them in the early days of the new year.
Capricorn can help you find productive ways to apply the new incites to a workable foundation. Capricorn likes to accomplish things and uses solid structures to do so. This is an example of what I mentioned last week about Capricorn. The Earth signs can anchor in ascended ideas. The Winter months, in the northern hemisphere, lend themselves to quiet thinking time. The previously mentioned Mars retrograde in Cancer is also very introspective. All of this energy is cooperative with turning over new leaves. Hey everyone, maybe more of our collective new year's resolutions will stick this time! We can hold out hope…
01/11 - The NORTH NODE of the Moon moves into Pisces. This is a major shift. The North Node signifies what we aspire to and usually grows stronger over time. (Please note that the Moon's nodes are habitually in a retrograde motion with only short intervals of forward movement.)
The NORTH NODE will join NEPTUNE and SATURN in Pisces and will form direct conjunctions later in 2025. This signifies a major shift. The Aries transit began in July 2023. It shared Aries with asteroid Chiron. This gave us ample opportunity to know ourselves, and understand our wounds.
Now we begin to increase what multidimensional qualities we are able to incorporate into our energy fields. We wield some of the mystical, imaginative, magical qualities of Pisces and process them into our NORTH NODE aspirations. Some astrologers consider this one of the heralds of the arrival of the new Aquarian Age. This should begin to feel a bit better for those of us who have “done the work.” We will have approximately 18 months to process this new combination, so we will visit this more in the coming months.
01/13 - FULL MOON in Cancer, opposite the Sun in late Capricorn. This lunation will be largely about your feelings. Cancer is motherhood, home and hearth, and nurturing. Notice the picture of the chart for this FULL MOON. Study the shape the planets are making. This is called a cradle. It speaks to support, and also appears to be providing a receptacle for your creations. It is wide open to a star field that has no major planets present from Leo to Sagittarius. The field appears wide open to those constellations and the fixed stars beyond them. I haven't read this anywhere in the research, but this appears to me to be wide open to all possibilities in that region of the universe, and to the void of pure potential. It feels as if we are being mothered, just as Cancer would want it.
Looking at the sky map the open area of the ecliptic,(the path the planets and zodiac constellations follow) is from the northeast to the northwest in the early evening sky. The Northstar, Polaris, is right in the middle. Two of the Royal Stars, Regulus in the west in Leo, and Antares in the northeast in Scorpio are below the horizon, but still in the directions mentioned. You might wish to try going out and gazing upon the North Star, or meditating upon it for guidance on the evening of the 13th. The FULL MOON will be rising at approximately 5:26 pm in New York, just as it reaches its fullest at 5:27 pm. Look to the north, with the Moon rising over your right shoulder and wish upon a star.
May you receive a message from the Divine that helps you find your Godspeed.