ISD Newsletter 10/31/24

Author:  ISD Oneonta  Date Published:  Oct-31-2024 
Celestial Conversations with Connie Lull


October 31st, 2024

Greetings fellow seekers!

We meet you at the crossroads of your spiritual path.  Enjoy perusing the potential next steps with us in community at ISD. 

Namaste. . .

Our Next Spiritual Service

WHEN: Sunday, November 3rd at 10am
WHERE: ZOOM or at The Lotus Center aka Tom Landon's House
124 County Hwy 58, Oneonta, NY 13820


Homily: Angels and Ancestors: Beyond the Day of the Dead

by Rev. Renee Ranke

Eternal love flows from our ancestors through the very DNA strands they worked to thread. That love is our strongest protection and most steadfast ally on this earthly journey.

Emcee:  Ally Sutton-Pyle, ministerial student

 Join us in person or on zoom:

REMEMBER, we fall back an hour this Sunday. So change your clocks, change your batteries, and join us for a wonderful service this Sunday, November 3rd at 10am!


Its a Go! and boy, do we need your Help !

We take custodianship of our lovely new space in the month of December, and there's much to do so that we may hit the ground running in January with our first event.  We have identified many jobs, large and small but all important! - and even some physical items to find. Everything is neatly listed in a very short worksheet linked below, please take just a few minutes and see how you might help.


We don't know specific moving dates yet, as planning is still unfolding and is dependent on availability of our volunteers.  Now is the time to help make this dream come true!

Please join me in congratulating Karin Murphy, Sherry Barton, and Melissa Stagnaro as they achieved Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Advanced Level. IET Advanced focuses on (living your soul’s mission). At this level, students are empowered to discover their soul’s mission and to help others in this process. It takes commitment, courage, and vulnerability to step into this level of practice.

- JoAnn Wormuth

IET Master Instructor

ISD Sacred Counsel Corner. . .

       We are all so passionate about being well, about getting healthy! This is needed now, and more challenging than ever.  What we suggest to you as you go about this is discretion. Enter carefully and make sure what you choose to believe in and follow resonates with your heart center, not just with your sense of reason and logic. Be stealthy, consider timing and go slow. There is much help here for you, but pick wisely!

Halloween Cartoon

Thursday Mornings from 10am - 11:30am

Mondays Nov 4th-Dec 9th, 2024 5:30-7:00pm

November 7, 2024 at 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


November 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

FIND us at the Fair!!

ISD Oneonta Sanctioned Psychic Readers will be offering Readings  as a Fundraiser at this very fun event! Get a Reading from Diana Friedell, and Renee Ranke. What might Spirit be trying to Tell YOU?

“Fall Back into Self-Love”  November 3rd Sunday at 4-8pm


Save the Date!  

ISD's Christmas Party is Sunday December 8th,  2-5pm .  

                                      ...stay tuned for more info!!


To see more of what ISD has available click the button below.


(November 1 - 7)

November begins with a NEW MOON within hours of the Celtic cross quarter day of Samhain, a fire festival to celebrate the harvest. Now, on the heels of the harvest celebration, and the acknowledgment of the veils thinning on All Hallows Eve, perhaps the New Moon can assist us to welcome new ventures and ideas into our individual and collective lives. 

The NEW MOON is in Scorpio at 8:47 am EST on 11 /01. Let's begin by analyzing the possibilities when the Moon is in Scorpio. 

Scorpio is not a tame sign. The emotions are at a high level. Action can be swift and passionate. The positive expressions can be passion, psychic abilities, compassion, and self confidence. At the same time the shadow  tendencies can lean toward cruelty, stubbornness, and aggressive actions. 

Fortunately, the vast majority of individuals choose the best traits. For example, as I can speak to personally, Scorpio's can be fantastic friends!

We all will feel the added emotional charge that Scorpio brings. The key will be to take your time and hold back for a time if you feel some of the extreme responses rising. What is available to help you make the best of Scorpio's influence? I'm happy to report that there is much assistance.

Once again there is a Kite Formation in the sky during this day, and two Kites the next day. Can you believe it? We have been rich in this very powerful aspect among a variety of planets and asteroids for the entire month of September, several more days in October, and now continuing on into November. This is an amazing level of support!

Remember that a Kite is formed by a Grand trine and a minor trine. 

The Grand Trine involves:
Pluto at 29 degrees  Capricorn 
Mars at 29 degrees Cancer
Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces 
It is very significant that each planet is at the culminating degree of the sign they reside in. The 29th degree is the graduating degree where all of any sign’s full capacities and best traits are encouraged. This can be fortuitous.

The Minor Trine completing the top of the Kite adds Uranus in Taurus sextile to both Mars and Neptune.

This is, once again, involving mostly outer planets that influence large numbers of people all together. With the personal planet Mars, you will be asked to adopt your best version of power. The elements of the signs are two each in water and earth. These are the feminine signs. Flow, ease, and grace is how this NEW MOON invites you to begin something new and soul enhancing.

JUPITER is sextile asteroid Chiron on 11/02. This lends assistance to the clearing process of old energies and wounds that is reaching a crescendo now. We have discussed the clearing/transformation of wounds from our past/parallel lives and ancestors. JUPITER sextile Chiron, the wounded healer, creates an opportunity to clear these wounds. I was curious, so I looked to see where Chiron's devine compliment, asteroid  Chariklo, is on the zodiac wheel. I am pleased to say she is in Aquarius, sextile to Chiron, trine to Jupiter. Therefore, you have a minor trine between the three. I think this adds an intriguing, lucky element to the ongoing attempt to balance the female/male energies within ourselves and society. Be receptive to how this assistance may show itself to you.

MERCURY moves into Sagittarius on 11/03 until 1/08/25. This is a very long stay due to an upcoming retrograde cycle. That will be very interesting for all of us now. A transit through Sagittarius finds us more interested in, and open to expansive concepts. Sagittarius is a far sighted, galactic sign. Mental Mercury flirts with new ideas and developments during the sojourn through Sagittarius. Idealism, hope, and fairness are analyzed with an enthusiastic flair. One trait tends to be a certain inconsistent nature to our thoughts. This is the time for brainstorming, not necessarily for the implementation of the many good ideas received. That comes later. In the meantime, enjoy the mental play with many new, intriguing ideas throughout the rest of this year.

Asteroid JUNO moves into Scorpio until 2/19/25. JUNO specializes in deep devotion, utmost loyalty, and spiritual soul centered relationships. The transit through Scorpio will add a significant level of intensity. The combination of JUNO in Scorpio will add a level of passion to a long term, deep connection with another, or to a life's mission. It could also apply to relationships with those individuals who are in your life to help you fulfill a soul contract.

MARS moves into Leo on 11/03 until 1/06/25, when it's retrograde interval takes it back into Cancer for a time. MARS in Leo is very strong in leadership, willpower, self confidence, and creativity in a very action oriented way. The same qualities taken to an extreme can make this placement abrasive and off-putting. This is one that calls for finesse.

MARS is currently in opposition to PLUTO. This causes friction. If all of the character traits mentioned above are taken to extremes, this opposition will likely bring unwanted consequences. If, however, you employ the inherent nobility of the Leo Lion, this opposition can be an opportunity. New methods of leadership may emerge. The important point is that this is a long term aspect. MARS and PLUTO track on opposite sides of the zodiac wheel within the effective arc of opposition through 1/22/25. 

We may see a great many examples of leadership, power, and strength wielded for both good and bad - and a great difference of opinion as to which is which. To the extent that this is already happening, don't be surprised if it escalates.

Overall, there is a great deal of positive assistance available to us in the first week of November. The NEW MOON is the highlight.

Because PLUTO is in his final days in Capricorn, we will all be making decisions about what we wish to transform. May you find an abundance of love and grace to guide you.

Prayer Warriors

Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm ET we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now. We will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all. You do not have to be present each day to be part of the prayer/healing team.
If you would like to be part of the Prayer Warriors, or have a request for healing please email our Healing Program director, JoAnn Wormuth at and she will add you to the team, and/or the prayer list.

What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?


It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center originally founded 47 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy.


The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.
Welcome Home!!!

Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center.


ISD Oneonta Board of Directors
Kimberly Winsor - President
Jo Ann Wormuth- Vice President
Tom Landon-Secretary
Sali Dellysse - Treasurer
Connie Lull-Trustee
Susan Owens -Trustee
Sherry Barton-Trustee
Jaya Buckland-Trustee
Chantal Doktor-Trustee
Diana Friedell ex-officio
Story Ducey ex-officio


Our ISD Leadership
Diana Friedell - Pastor, Co-Director
Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director
Ministry Training Program
JoAnn Wormuth – Healing Program Director
Jaya Buckland - Adult Ed Chair
Ally Sutton-Pyle with Diana Friedell and Kimberly Winsor - Newsletter
 Tami Barrows- Tech/Administrative Assistant
Amy Gallop- Social Media



Thank you for being a part of the ISD community,

Co-Directors: Pastor Rev. Diana Fridell and Rev. Story Lucile Ducey

Kimberly Winsor: President at ISD Oneonta.

Get in touch

Rev. Diana Friedell, Pastor, 607-433-2089

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Copyright ©2025  Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta, NY
The Lotus Center, 297 River Street Service Rd, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820 • 607-353-7001‬
Co-Directors: Rev. Story Lucile Ducey and Rev. Diana Friedell
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