ASTROLOGY FORECAST, (December 16 - 24)
12/16 - MERCURY stations DIRECT in Sagittarius at 6.° This will have been a long transit in Sagittarius for our “communications” planet because the retrograde motion was entirely in the sign of the Centaur. Mercury normally transits a sign in 2-3 weeks, but it will have been in Sagittarius for over 7 weeks this time.
The Mercury influence includes how we think, speak, and write. It is visionary in Sagittarius. The arrow of the Centaur is always pointed upward toward possibility. Mercury is also a personal planet, so you may have a vision during this transit that is uniquely yours. The retrograde motion may have changed your mind about something, or given you ideas about a better way to express those thoughts. There will be another very significant event before Mercury leaves Sagittarius. It will be in direct conjunction with the Galactic Center and will happen on 1/6 - 1/7 of next month. Try to be particularly aware of anything that comes into your consciousness around those days. It is cosmic and soul level information that comes through that black hole portal. When any planet, point, or asteroid passes this marker the potential is extremely high for growth and understanding at a level far beyond our normal understanding in each individual lifetime. I will remind you of these dates again next month.
12/18/24 - The SUN is directly conjunct the same Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius. This is, perhaps, the strongest of all the transits across this marker. Some of the potential was covered in the previous paragraph.
There are additional possibilities to consider. The SUN is our “Star” and gives our entire planet its guidance from the Great Central Sun. This is, of course, very important, but is not all that happens. Everyone also gets a super charged connection to the “Void” as well. This is the great unmanifest - pure potential. If we are open and receptive, there is no end to the Source wisdom that can come our way when any planet, point, or asteroid passes by - our SUN more than any other.
12/21/24 - The SUN moves into Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice. I would like to discuss the yearly ebb and flow of the transits across the zodiac wheel. The planets, points, and asteroids move from one area of focus to another in a continuous flow. They move along a path that shifts our focus in a very rhythmic way. This helps us apply ourselves for a while to specific things, then move on to another before stagnation sets in, if all goes well. The movement simulates the Sine wave that is one of the predominant patterns on our planet. (For example; heartbeats, tidal movements, ripples in water, lava flow, sound, light, brain waves, etc.)
At this time of the year we have our SUN passing from passionate Scorpio, through visionary Sagittarius, then into responsible, productive Capricorn. Capricorn might seem overly tedious, ruled by Saturn, but it is helpful to remember those energies that have just been infused by the preceding signs. Now in Capricorn comes the chance to put the plan in motion. Winter is often thought to be a quiet time meant for contemplation. In our modern world things just keep rolling along. Capricorn can aid greatly in structure, dedication, and just plain hard work. This can be a good time for implementing decisions and plans. What is worth pursuing and building a structure around? That is a good example of Saturn's rulership. Next month we will explore information about the Sea Goat, the symbol for Capricorn. This is an intriguing additional energy to the sign.
12/24 - JUPITER square SATURN. This is a potentially challenging aspect that we have been traversing through since last Summer. It has 3 different direct conjunctions, called perfections. December 24th is the second of three. If you count the days when the two planets are within the effective arc of conjunction, 8°, then this aspect started in June and won't dissipate until August of 2025. It has a dampening effect on Jupiter's most expansive energies.
Jupiter is full steam ahead, with great good luck and enthusiastic developments. Saturn dampens this by asking: How this can work in the 3D world? What haven't you thought of yet? Have you taken care of enough of your responsibilities to move to the next step? Are enough people on board to reach species critical mass?
The good news is that once the dichotomy of these energies are addressed, it can lead to a much better creation. Remember, Saturn delays, but does not deny.
The Winter Solstice finds cultures and religions all over the world celebrating the return of the light. It is a time of renewal and celebration. May this season find you filled with grace and joy.
(December 25 - 31)
12/29 - CHIRON turns direct at 19° Aries, ending a retrograde that has been in effect since 7/26/24. It is likely that you have been given some clues and hints about your core wounds. It may also have knocked you silly, containing no subtlety whatsoever! In Aries, the concept is one of the self, the necessary ego. You must have a certain level of self love and esteem to function well in your life.
All of us have a level of wound that is difficult to heal. This wound often follows us from lifetime to lifetime until it is healed. You may have unknowingly been creating situations that bring this wound into your life once again as an opportunity to heal. Now you may find it easier to move forward taking the insight you hopefully have gained during this retrograde. You may have already been making adjustments, but if not, now will be a good time to start. Even one small change in a pattern or habitual response may help a great deal. Remember that Aries is enthusiastic and loves new beginnings. Moving forward from long term emotional pain is an attractive possibility.
12/30 - The second NEW MOON of December is at 5:27 pm EST in Capricorn. This is called a Black Moon. It is considered to be ramped up even more than a normal New Moon. The emotional charge is increased. This is always a time for new beginnings. In addition, the proximity of the New Year celebration happening in close succession, will provide a high level of initiative to start something you desire to create.
With the Sun/Moon conjunction in Capricorn you can expect to have some practical ideas to get you started. Concentration on concrete steps you may take will be beneficial at this time. You may find an enthusiasm to apply your efforts to the challenge. Capricorn can infuse a needed level of structure and responsibility to see you through to the end.
For those of you who are not familiar with my background, I was a 4th, or more, generation Dairy Farmer. I still harvest hay crops today. All through the years not a day went by when I was working in the fields that I didn't see a lot of wildlife.
Among my greatest joys is a great wildlife sighting or encounter. I believe our Angels and guide teams know what gives us great joy and communicates with us through those experiences. I have a completely dilapidated copy of Ted Andrews’, “Animal Speak.” I’ve referred to it so much that the spine is broken in several places!
I'd like to tell you about the most recent one, which was one of the most unusual and amazing encounters I've ever had.
My husband Doug and I were on one of our fields in the first few days of November. Very suddenly I hear a lot of rustling in the trees on the far side of the field. In the next minute thousands of birds descended from the trees and sky to spread out across the field on the ground.
These were a particular member of the Meadowlark and Oriole species. They were Grackles, the largest variety, as big as a large crow with lovely long tails. It is important to note that we do not see Grackles in our area as a rule, and we are not on their usual migration path. Therefore, I immediately sensed this as a spirit communication.
I assumed the flock landed to feed on the insects in the meadow, but they were not settling. The flock was moving constantly so that it looked like a waving flag laid along the ground. What was so amazing was the shear numbers. The flock completely carpeted 10 acres of this field! For comparison, this is about 7 football fields. I estimate at least 5,000, or more, birds. Never before have I seen so many of one bird, or animal together.
I heard their calls, the constant rustle of wings, and that ever flowing movement. But what really got my attention was the beauty of their feathers. The Sun was shining and it glistened across the colors of this HUGE flock. Grackles have iridescent feathers. The body has a green hue to the black feathers, and the head and neck shine green, purple, and bronze. It was mesmerizing to watch the flash of iridescent color.
Alas, it was a very short lived experience. This flock had left the field within 3 minutes or so. This was part of what makes me believe it was meant as a spirit communication. The field we were on was our highest field. It is very remote with no roads or human activity nearby. So the flock should have felt comfortable to feed and rest. Because it was so short an interval, and because I was mesmerized by the visual effects, I didn't get a message at that moment.
Enter my trusty copy of “Animal Speak” and additional research on the internet. I think this is a message worth sharing with others:
Paraphrased from “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews:
*Look at your life differently. Situations are not what they appear to be, particularly anything dealing with the emotions. The Grackle can help us deal with and clear difficult emotions. They love to live in Pine trees, also known for helping to absorb tough feelings. Congested emotions can lead to poor health, symbolic of blockages. Grackle can teach us to dissipate the excess.”
Additional information:
Courage, learning, positive energy, communication, and balance.
Considering the turmoil of world events, the message, “Situations are not what they appear to be,” is the most encouraging part of this spirit communication, I believe.
I hope you will find something of value in this message. May you have wonderful Holidays filled with grace.